~~TOC:3-4~~ ===== Devo F12E Hardware Connections ===== The following documents the hardware inside the Devo-F12E transmitter Note: This is still in development. Anything with strike-through is incorrect/not verified * MCU: [[http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/164492.jsp|STM32F103VCT6]] 256kB Flash, 48kB RAM 100pin package * SPI Flash: [[http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pctgroup.com.tw%2Fattachments%2Ffiles%2Ffiles%2F255_25VF512A-P.pdf&ei=LN2wUq6YDc7uoASrj4GYCw&usg=AFQjCNEUobGRb267XLDjKSpEVCCPasoWEA&sig2=qGo-PDtnqvy7ccj1-U3xaA&bvm=bv.58187178,d.cG|UPCT25VF512A]] 64kB SPI NOR Flash * LCD Driver: [[https://www.deviationtx.com/media/kunena/attachments/1641/TW8816spec_10152007.pdf|Techwell TW8816]] Driver (800x480 panel). 12x18 characters, programmable font * LCD Display: KSD050C4005A (800x480 24bit) (120.9(W)×75.95(H)×2.9(D)) * Radio: [[http://www.cypress.com/?docID=28606|CYRF6936]] 2.4GHz * Voltage Regulator: [[http://aitendo3.sakura.ne.jp/aitendo_data/product_img/ic/power/MP1584EN/MP1584.pdf|MP1584EN]] Switching regulator ==== STM32 Connections ==== ^Pin ^Description ^ |BOOT0 |CON2 | |NRST |Debugger (NRESET) | === GPIOA === ^Pin ^Description ^ |0 (ADC123_0) |AUX 7 | |1 |Buzzer | |2 |output to 0 to shut off Tx | |3 |power-switch in 'off' position (goes high on 'off') | |4 (ADC12_4) |AUX 6 | |5 (SPI1_SCK) |SPI Flash | |6 (SPI1_MISO) |SPI Flash | |7 (SPI1_MOSI) |SPI Flash | |9 (USART1_TX) |Trainer Rx | |10 (USART1_RX) |Trainer Tx | |11 (USBDM) |USB+ | |12 (USBDP) |USB- | |13 (SWDIO) |Debugger SWDIO (TMS) | |14 (SWCLK) |Debugger SWCLK (TCK) | === GPIOB === ^Pin ^Description ^ |0 (ADC12_8) |AUX 5 | |1 |Backlight PWM control | |2 (BOOT1) |SPI Flash Chip-Select | |4 |Button Matrix Col 1 | |5 |Button Matrix Col 2 | |6 |I2C1_SCL (LCD) | |7 |I2C1 SDA (LCD) | |8 |Button Matrix Col 3 | |9 |Button Matrix Col 4 | |10 |USB Enable (enable Low) | |11 |TxModule pin 10 - CYRF6936 Reset | |12 (SPI2_NSS) |TxModule pin 1 | |13 (SPI2_SCK) |TxModule pin 3 | |14 (SPI2_MISO) |TxModule pin 9 | |15 (SPI2_MOSI) |TxModule pin 7 | === GPIOC === ^Pin ^Description ^ |0 (ADC123_IN_10) |AUX 4 | |1 (ADC123_IN_11) |Left Horizontal Stick | |2 (ADC123_IN_12) |Right Vertical Stick | |3 (ADC123_IN_13) |Right Horizontal Stick | |4 (ADC12_IN_14) |Battery Voltage | |5 (ADC12_IN_15) |Left Vertical Stick | |6 |Gear Switch | |7 |Elevator D/R Switch | |8 |Rudder D/R Switch | |9 |FMode 0 Switch | |10 |FMode 2 Switch | |11 |Aileron D/R Switch | |12 |Mix 0 Switch | |13 |Mix 2 Switch | === GPIOD === ^Pin ^Description ^ |2 |Vibrator | |8 |Video Channel 4 | |10 |Video Channel 5 | === GPIOE === ^Pin ^Description ^ |2 |Button Matrix Row 1 | |3 |Button Matrix Row 2 | |4 |Button Matrix Row 3 | |5 |Button Matrix Row 4 | |6 |Button Matrix Row 5 | |7 |LCD Reset | |8 |Video Channel 1 | |9 |Video Channel 2 | |10 |Video Channel 3 | |11 |Video AV On/Off | |12 |??? E12,E13,E14 are related | |13 |??? E12,E13,E14 are related | |14 |??? E12,E13,E14 are related | ==== Battery Voltage ==== The battery voltage (ADC1_14) is calculated by the formula: V = 0.0021x + 0.3026 ==== Button Matrix ==== | ^B.6 ^B.7 ^B.8 ^B.9 ^ ^E.2 |L- |Rudder Trim Left |Top Left Trim Down |NC | ^E.3 |Aileron Trim Right |Rudder Trim Right |Top Left Trim Up |Elevator Trim Up | ^E.4 |Aileron Trim Left |Ext |Top Right Trim Up |Throttle Trim Up | ^E.5 |Ent |UP+ |Top Right Trim Down |Elevator Trim Down | ^E.6 |R+ |DN- |NC |Throttle Trim Down | ==== FCC Report ==== FCCID: [[https://www.fcc.gov/general/fcc-id-search-page|S29 DEVO-F12E]]