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  • Wene001
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09 May 2013 19:36
Replied by Wene001 on topic devo 12 wide screen...

devo 12 wide screen...

Category: Development

i`ve added 4 lines of code to your model.c to bugfix the PPMin like it was documented in PBs Repo. Changed some other files.
Now i`ve the best Firmware on my Devo12 inkl Widescreen and PPMin :-)

Thanks to all
  • Hexperience
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09 May 2013 17:01 - 09 May 2013 17:04
Replied by Hexperience on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

BitOne wrote: Interesting data from the ER9x implementation.

Extract from the ER9x documentation, page 15 ("PPM In")

This menu allows the PPMin (trainer) inputs to be configured. It enables the RAW PPM inputs to be selected to replace the sticks for training purposes. The student transmitter does not need to have the same model setup as the instructor. All the mixes on the instructors Tx will be applied to the student inputs. If, for example, you have expo on your sticks, this will be applied to the raw trainer inputs when they are selected.

This is how it would work if you used "FPV" mode. (Personally I would just call it PPMin and leave it at that).

I'm not going to get down on PB and everyone for trying to make things as simple as possible, but it almost seems like it's getting a little too easy to use.

PPM in is all you need for training, fpv and anything else. If you take the time to learn how the mixer works, and we have access to all the raw inputs, you can do any magic you want!

Same thing for the model configs... it amazes me that people ask for the same config over and over again... "FBL heli please..." If they take the time to learn how to do it, then I can tell you its faster to make a new config than to download one and copy it over.

SORRY.... rant over... :(

And really, truly, deviation is amazing. I love it, and I don't expect it to be a clone of er9x. I just want to make sure that we never loose the ability to really be creative with the mixer.
  • BitOne
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09 May 2013 13:36 - 09 May 2013 13:38
Replied by BitOne on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

Interesting data from the ER9x implementation.

Extract from the ER9x documentation, page 15 ("PPM In")

This menu allows the PPMin (trainer) inputs to be configured. It enables the RAW PPM inputs to be selected to replace the sticks for training purposes. The student transmitter does not need to have the same model setup as the instructor. All the mixes on the instructors Tx will be applied to the student inputs. If, for example, you have expo on your sticks, this will be applied to the raw trainer inputs when they are selected.

  • PhracturedBlue
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09 May 2013 01:05
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

FYI, I verified that the fix for PPMin working after power-on or model change is now working.
  • PhracturedBlue
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08 May 2013 16:45
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

wuselfuzz wrote: common_devo/ppmin.c:152

    t = (t1>=t0) ? (t1-t0) : (65536+t1-t0);     // none-stop TIM1 counter, compute ppm-signal width (2MHz = 0.5uSecond)

With both t1 and t0 being u16, this can be simplified to
   t = t1-t0;

Adding 65536 to an u16 does absolutely nothing.

You're right, it doesn't but it makes it clearer whatthe logic does. Actually I'm not sure why 't' is 16bits here. Doing math with 16bits is slower than with 32bits, and there would be no question of the results with a 32bit value here. t0 could still be 16bit to save 2bytes of ram, since the final value of t is guaranteed to fit in a 16bit value. The end result is the same though.

The problem with not working on reboot seems to be that I never call PPMin_Start() after loading a new model.
I think it is as easy as calling PPMinStop when resetting a model, and PPMinStart() at the end of loading a model (assuming the proper conditions are met)

I'm not in front of my Tx at the moment, so I can't test it though.
  • PhracturedBlue
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08 May 2013 16:18 - 08 May 2013 16:28
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

I didn't write the calculation code, so I'll need to go back over it. But my guess is that the issue is related to how we detect a sync which is what enables PPMin.

You should see the values on the main page if you set the box to show 'Ch3' as opposed to showing 'Thr'. The difference is the input vs output value.

I already added a ticket to fix the display order on the ppmin page.

As far as the ppmout page goes, I agree it would be better if we were consistent, but there is a need for the extra 'notch' setting and needing to subtract it may be just as confusing. I'm certainly open to opinions on this though

Edit: I just fixed the ppmin train channel mapping order
  • wuselfuzz
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08 May 2013 11:29
Replied by wuselfuzz on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

    t = (t1>=t0) ? (t1-t0) : (65536+t1-t0);     // none-stop TIM1 counter, compute ppm-signal width (2MHz = 0.5uSecond)

With both t1 and t0 being u16, this can be simplified to
   t = t1-t0;

Adding 65536 to an u16 does absolutely nothing.
  • PhracturedBlue
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08 May 2013 03:48
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

I just tested my devo12 connected to the devo10 as slave.
There is definitely a bug.
Devo10 on and transmitting ppm.
devo12 set ppmIn to train, set switch to trn1, go to 'Channel monitor' page. push Train switch, control switches to the devo10. release train switch, control comes back. power-cycle devo10 and train switch still works. Power cycle devo12 and train switch no longer works. Only way to get it working again is to turn PPMIn off and then back on. I'll need to debug further
  • PhracturedBlue
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07 May 2013 12:56 - 07 May 2013 12:57
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Trainer capabilities with Mixer function

Trainer capabilities with Mixer function

Category: Development

There are actually 2 different PPMin modes.
The 1st is designed specifically for a trainer mode. It just maps the PPMIn to a channel of your choice, and defines a switch to toggle all controls on/off.
The 2nd mode is more general, and treats the PPMIn as a raw input (well, strictly speaking it works more like a virtual channel, but there isn't much difference. You can then configure a trainer mode which can be modified by the master Tx, though it is more tedious to set up a bunch of complex mixers.
So it should be flexible enough to meet your needs.

This functionality is available in the nightly builds if you want to play with it.
  • Wene001
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04 May 2013 08:08 - 04 May 2013 08:15
Replied by Wene001 on topic devo 12 wide screen...

devo 12 wide screen...

Category: Development

Hello RBE

I would change some minor things.
The Lines at the crosses go right when the stick goes left.
The big boxes like Icon Crosses an Bars should jump to the bottom so they are in line.

Falls mein Englisch nicht zu verstehen ist :-)
Es wär schön wenn sich die grösseren Elemente (wie Crosses, Bars, Icon), falls am Bildschirm ganz unten platziert, nach dem unteren Bildschirmrand ausrichten könnten, damit diese schön in einer Linie sind, egal was für Elemente man darüber platziert.
Evtl wärs auch interessant die "Geber" für die Crosses variabel zu gestalten, damit man zB das PPMin als Steuerkreuz darstellen kann (Headtracker, oder Steuerfunktion des Schülers)
Bei den Crosses ist mir auch noch aufgefallen, dass sie bei zentrierten Sticks nicht das weisse Kreuz abdecken, ist das so gewollt?
Schaut immer aus als würden die Sticks nicht schön zentrieren

LG Wene
  • PhracturedBlue
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27 Apr 2013 16:59
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic devo 12 wide screen...

devo 12 wide screen...

Category: Development

There is no rush. Getting the Devo12 interface complete is one of the main tasks before 3.1 (along with the PPMin stuff). So it is one of my main development tasks. But I'm still somewhat limited in time, and there are other tasks I'm working on as well.
  • PhracturedBlue
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26 Apr 2013 12:42
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Debug printf to trainer port

Debug printf to trainer port

Category: Development

TYPE=dev only affects std.h, but it is included by every single c file

all of the low-level code is handled in target/common_devo OR target/devoXX. They are not all together though. The PPM-in stuff is in target/common_devo/ppmin.c
There is other irq stuff stuff in target/common_devo/clock.c as well as other places.
  • PhracturedBlue
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26 Apr 2013 05:34
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

PPMIn will disable PPM-Out. You cannot use them together.

If trying to setup a 'master' trainer:
You need a standard mono or stereo 1/8" jack to tie the transmitters together.
The slave should be set to use 'PPM' protocol
The Master should have the proper protocol set and set 'PPM In' to 'train'
Then click on 'Train' and make sure that the PW values are set properly as well as setting a toggle switch.
You can choose to change the Master-Slave channel mapping as well. This works by taking the specified channel in the spin-box from the slave and applying it to the specified Master channel. Thus if you set:
Ch3 = <Ch5>
It means that Slave Ch5 will be attached to master Ch3

Now turn on the slave.
you can now toggle the specified switch and the Slave values will be passed to the radio on the Master.

You should be very careful using it. The code is very new, and probably has bugs.

If you lose a connection with the slave the channels will hold their last position until you flip the toggle back. I'm not sure that's the right way to do it though, so feedback would be appreciated on the whole thing.
  • hmjack2008
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25 Apr 2013 08:44
Replied by hmjack2008 on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

I found PhracturedBlue already "Initial menus for ppm-in" :
+    u8 num_ppmin;
+    u16 ppmin_centerpw;
+    u16 ppmin_deltapw;
+    u8 train_sw;
+    u8 ppm_map[MAX_PPM_CHANNELS];

It's let me think a proposal ... , but I am NOT yet to coding for the proposal .

  • PhracturedBlue
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24 Apr 2013 15:03
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

well, I have the code all put together, but it doesn't actually work. The code hmjack posted uses GPIOA.10 as the trigger (the uart-rx pin), but as far as I can tell, that pin is not connected to the trainer port at all. While the jack supports a 3-pin 1/8" plug, the wiring only seems to connect the tip and ground and not the middle terminal.

Thus I can probably setup GPIOA.9 to work (though it will be impossible to use ppmin and ppmout at the same time which is too bad). But hmjack seems to have been able to get it to work with GPIOA.10 and I am not sure how.

It is odd because the plug on the circuit-board exposes both pins, but only one seems to be attached to the phono plug.
  • hmjack2008
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21 Jan 2013 15:11 - 21 Jan 2013 15:27
Replied by hmjack2008 on topic USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

SadSack wrote: So head tracker be an option soon, sweet :) possibly option for 7e(hint)

Some details on how to add it to build would be handy for dim wits like me :D


I use "menu-> about page" to do enable ppmin.c and show the ppmin channels & signal-width.

(0) use trainer cable to connect
(1) in about page
(2) press "ENTER" to enable ppmin
(3) press "DN" to show the ppmin channels & signal-width

Do NOT plug in/out the trainer cable when ppmin enable !!

I got the problem .... if plug in/out when ppmin enable.
=> sometime, LCD become no display,
=> if LCD no display, need reflash to walkera fireware for recover.

static u8 _action_cb(u32 button, u8 flags, void *data)
    if ((flags & BUTTON_PRESS) || (flags & BUTTON_LONGPRESS)) {
        if (CHAN_ButtonIsPressed(button, BUT_EXIT)) {
        } else {
            if (CHAN_ButtonIsPressed(button, BUT_ENTER)) {
            #ifndef EMULATOR
            // ppm-in
            sprintf(up->tmpstr, "ppm: '%d'-'%d'", 0, 65535),
             GUI_CreateLabelBox(0, 55, 128, 8,&TINY_FONT, NULL, NULL, up->tmpstr);
            ppmIN = 1;
            if (CHAN_ButtonIsPressed(button, BUT_DOWN)) {
            sprintf(up->tmpstr, "ppm#: %d-%d-%d",ppmin_num_channels,ppmChannels[0],ppmChannels[ppmin_num_channels]);
             GUI_CreateLabelBox(0, 55, 128, 8,&TINY_FONT, NULL, NULL, up->tmpstr);
            // ppm-in
            #endif    // #ifndef EMULATOR
    return 1;
  • hmjack2008
  • hmjack2008's Avatar
20 Jan 2013 10:40 - 20 Jan 2013 10:41
USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program was created by hmjack2008

USB HID Joystick & PPM-In program

Category: Development

Just upload my program, DEVO10 for "USB HID Joystick".
(1) in Menu->USB page.
(2) press "DN" to enable USB.
(3) plug-in USB to PC, PC will detect Mass Storage & USB HID Joystick.
(4) press "UP" to enable send Joystick data.

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:23 KB

and, my ppm-in program, but "not stable!!" (if plug-in/out when connect)

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:4 KB
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