Voice alerts test build

21 Sep 2017 18:13 - 13 Nov 2017 14:33 #64564 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Voice alerts test build
Here's the devo6 build, let's see if it works. Right now I can just test it in the emulator, where it seems to work just fine, also for devo12.
Last edit: 13 Nov 2017 14:33 by Moeder. Reason: removed old builds - please use nightly!

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21 Sep 2017 18:46 #64566 by pulpfiction15
Replied by pulpfiction15 on topic Voice alerts test build
I tried it also on my Devo6, same result no alerts anymore.

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21 Sep 2017 19:09 #64568 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Voice alerts test build
That is odd. Are you sure you didn't accidentally overwrite hardware.ini and thus disable the voice-entry when flashing?

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21 Sep 2017 19:15 #64569 by pulpfiction15
Replied by pulpfiction15 on topic Voice alerts test build
I do not think, I reflashed with the latest nightly, and it works again.

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21 Sep 2017 19:22 - 13 Nov 2017 14:33 #64570 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Voice alerts test build
Please try attached build on your 6.
Last edit: 13 Nov 2017 14:33 by Moeder. Reason: removed old builds - please use nightly!

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21 Sep 2017 19:41 #64571 by pulpfiction15
Replied by pulpfiction15 on topic Voice alerts test build
sorry, still a big silence, no bip nothing:blush:

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21 Sep 2017 21:04 #64573 by KnzHz
Replied by KnzHz on topic Voice alerts test build
I just tried it on my Devo 10, it works, yay!

Thanks Moeder ;)

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22 Sep 2017 07:16 #64585 by pulpfiction15
Replied by pulpfiction15 on topic Voice alerts test build

is your dfplayer build-in or powerd up before your transmitter, mine are all build-in ?
Maybe that's the difference?

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22 Sep 2017 07:32 #64586 by magic_marty
Replied by magic_marty on topic Voice alerts test build
I plan on testing it out this weekend on my 12s i will report my results afterwards..

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22 Sep 2017 11:32 #64596 by KnzHz
Replied by KnzHz on topic Voice alerts test build
Mine is build in, 3.3v from the main board, to the right of the 4in1 module.

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22 Sep 2017 16:01 #64602 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Voice alerts test build
I'll take a deeper look in a couple of days. let's see if this a model specific (b&w vs color) problem, although it shouldn't be.

BTW, interesting read: work-now-dammit.blogspot.de/2016/08/dfpl...-high-quiescent.html
Maybe we can utilize the buzzer output to shutdown df player when not playing to lengthen battery life.... Too many projects to tackle....

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22 Sep 2017 16:35 #64603 by magic_marty
Replied by magic_marty on topic Voice alerts test build
Would be great to add to the voice selection menu a beeper option cause sometimes i would rather just use the beeper for certain alarms ect..Could possibly make it default to beeper unless a voice file is selected maybe..

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22 Sep 2017 18:54 #64604 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Voice alerts test build
Yes, that is one of the things on my "Voice menu 2.0"-todo-list ;)

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22 Sep 2017 21:14 #64608 by Wene001
Replied by Wene001 on topic Voice alerts test build

Would be great to have the option between beeper and voice...

Do you have am idea why binding is completed is played 2 times @ some protocols?

i Like my speaking 12s more and more :-)

Wene001 wrote: +1 speaking Devo 12s

Thanks to all for this great piece of software.

in the moment i´m using the threshold test build.

Message Nr8 (Kopplungbeendet) is played 2 times...
DSM2 works fine... message 8 is played 1x times
Bayang or Eachine E010 protocol..... message 8 is played 2x times.

In the large german voice pack there are some doubled (different) mp3s with the same number e.g. 200 to 211 and 248 and up...
can you please have a look

Another thing i would like to have, is a vario function with the Vertical speed from Frsky.
This yould be another great improvement :-)

I´m loving my Devos more and more...

Cheers Wene

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23 Sep 2017 02:33 #64611 by mwm
Replied by mwm on topic Voice alerts test build
Binding is played 2 times for some protocols because they have a 2-step binding process, and play the "completed" sound at the end of each step. Works find for beeps, but not so much with a voice alert.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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23 Sep 2017 03:22 #64612 by -=Hubi-Dirk=-
Replied by -=Hubi-Dirk=- on topic Voice alerts test build
Hi guys,

thank you very much everybody who has worked on voice alerts. Awesome!!!

The dfplayer module is now built into my 12S and works excellently. Now I don't want to use always the voice module and it would be great if there will be a software switch at the transmitter settings to turn it on or turn the beeper on. Is this also on your "Voice menu 2.0"-todo-list Moeder?


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23 Sep 2017 04:15 #64613 by Gerry
Replied by Gerry on topic Voice alerts test build
if you turn "audio volume" off in transmitter config menu beeper will work

Devo 7e A7105 NRF24L01 CC2500 2x3 way & voice, Devo 12e 4 in 1 & voice.
FFS (Forever Fixing Stuff)

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23 Sep 2017 04:37 #64614 by -=Hubi-Dirk=-
Replied by -=Hubi-Dirk=- on topic Voice alerts test build
Thank you Gerry,

this was what i´m searching for.

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26 Sep 2017 15:15 #64672 by pulpfiction15
Replied by pulpfiction15 on topic Voice alerts test build
@magic_marty, can you confirm the latest version from Moeder is working on your DEVO 12S, Thanks.

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26 Sep 2017 17:34 #64676 by magic_marty
Replied by magic_marty on topic Voice alerts test build
Soon as i get a chance i will test it out , been working 12h days lately and little cramped on time..:(

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