Install DfuSe USB Upgrade on Windows 7/8 /8.1

15 Feb 2014 14:26 - 17 Feb 2014 02:02 #20300 by Tom Z
I just tried installing the DfuSe USB Upgrade Tool on Windows 8/8.1 which I have both versions. You will need to first install the DfuSe USB Upgrade tool then you might have to manually install the driver for it like I had to. The default install folder should be C:/Program Files/devention Upgrade Tools/Driver

Click on and run as administrator either dpinst_x86 if you have a 32-bit operating system or dpinst_ia64 if you have a 64-bit operating system.
This will install the driver for the DfuSe USB Upgrade.

Here is a screenshot. Windows 32-bit

Here is a screenshot. Windows 64-bit

* For Windows 7 32-bit I didn't have to manually install the driver but if the driver doesn't install use this same manual method to install the driver.
Last edit: 17 Feb 2014 02:02 by Tom Z.

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04 Apr 2014 02:30 #22097 by Leather Lung
Replied by Leather Lung on topic Install DfuSe USB Upgrade on Windows 7/8 /8.1
I need to get a new laptop, thinking 8.1 touch screen. Will it be a good fit, or should I look at a 7/8 operating system?

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04 Apr 2014 04:04 #22099 by henkerhaus
Replied by henkerhaus on topic Install DfuSe USB Upgrade on Windows 7/8 /8.1
Personally, I'd recommend you buy a MacBook Pro. Far superior to anything Windows (IMHO). You can use Parallels or VMware Fusion to run a Windows (or linux) OS if you need to, or you can use free open source software like Wine (or paid versions like Codeweavers) to run windows programs on a Mac, without needing a copy of Windows at all. (I use wine regularly to run and test out new nightly versions of the Deviation emulator) I do also use VMware Fusion, to run a Windows 7 64 bit virtual machine, when I need a full Windows environment (which is really pretty rare... RealFlight 7 and DFuse being about my only use for Windows)

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