Deviation Emulator Menus

22 Apr 2014 00:08 - 25 Apr 2014 05:05 #22642 by Tom Z
Deviation Emulator Menus was created by Tom Z
Some videos to show the menus on the Emulators.

Deviation 7e Emulator Menus

Deviation 8 Emulator Menus

Deviation 10 Emulator Menus

Deviation 12 Emulator Menus

Last edit: 25 Apr 2014 05:05 by Tom Z.

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24 Apr 2014 14:54 #22691 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus

How does one setup the pitch curve in the advanced GUI? Is this done via a combination of virtual channels?

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24 Apr 2014 23:48 #22705 by Tom Z
Replied by Tom Z on topic Deviation Emulator Menus

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25 Apr 2014 01:21 - 25 Apr 2014 03:40 #22706 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
OK. Here's what I have so far. Am I on the wrong path as I'm using virtual channels to setup a Fly Bar Trex 500. I found a config on the forum and modified it and now I'm concerned. The examples that were discussed in links you sent look like they are all for FBL and not FB.

File Attachment:

File Name: model5.ini
File Size:2 KB
Last edit: 25 Apr 2014 03:40 by Rkozak99.

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25 Apr 2014 04:58 #22711 by Tom Z
Replied by Tom Z on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
For a FB or FBL model the only difference should be the Swash Type setting.
1Servo (Used For FBL) - 120/3Servo 120(120-degree swash).
You don't need to use the virtual channels.

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25 Apr 2014 13:50 #22714 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
Thanks Tom for your replies and patetience :)

So I think I understand. What your saying you may or may not use virtual channels for programming ccpm....correct? Hexperince's examples shows another approach that maybe less complicated but in the end both approaches should yield the same result....correct? The ini I attached to this post should work as well....correct? After reading the entire thread from Hexpirence and playing around with a scratch model from the 6ch template I realized that the virtual channels were created as part of the template and that the third virtual channel was the one that programs the pitch curves in all FModes. Is this correct as well?

If the above assumptions are correct I'm going to continue with the ini I have to complete the build of my FB Trex 500. Once that's done I will create another model using Hexperience's approach just for kicks and bind it to the same bird and see what happens.

Let me know if I'm out to lunch or that I'm actually starting to understand the advanced GUI. Your help as well as the posts from Hexperiece have been a great asset to understanding the power of deviation and the advanced GUI.


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25 Apr 2014 14:57 #22715 by Tom Z
Replied by Tom Z on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
Your welcome.

When I first started making models for this site I used virtual channels and got responses from the tech people here that they were not needed for what I was doing and they just add extra mixers to the model that are not needed, so I stopped using the virtual channels and remade the models without them.

I don't know enough on virtual channels to give any advice. I would post some of your questions or wait to see if anyone replies in this thread.
I only used the virtual channels before as I didn't know how to make the models without them. It was click and try things... I just made it harder and a more complex model by doing it this way.

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06 May 2014 15:02 #22940 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus

I attempted creating a new model using the method in this link ( ). Looks like I'm either missing something or that the only way to set-up up a FLY BAR Heli(NOT FBL)is to use the cyclic mixers for the swash channels in conjunction with virtual channels that control curves, EXPO & DR. When I attempted the set up using the simple mixers I was unable to get the servos on the swash plate to work in unison (i.e. when giving positive elevator only the elevator servo moved while the other two did not).

Any comments or feed back would be appreciated. Am I missing something :blink: ?


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06 May 2014 16:00 #22946 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
you have 3 options:
1) You can set your collective, pitch and roll servos to cyclic, (and then set the cyclic inputs as simple or hoever you like) and control the mixing through the cyclic mixing controls
2) You Can use a receiver that does the mixing for you (in which case you can directly send ele, ail, and col signals to the Rx. I am not an expert in such things but I assume they exist.
3) you can do all of the mixing logic by hand using advanced mixers

(1) is likely the way you want to go. There is a pre-set 6-channel heli template that uses cyclic controls provided with Deviation. You just need to go and change the mixer type to match your heli's setup.

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06 May 2014 16:42 #22948 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
Hi thanks for the response.

I've already set-up a model using the template that you mentioned which uses the cycle as you stated. I would however like to explore option #3 just to satisfy my curiosity. Your wouldn't happen to have an example using advanced mixers for a fly bar heli. Would you?

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06 May 2014 18:12 #22950 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
No. It is not trivial because there is no easy way to adjust the mixing ratios.

The basic idea would be (for a 120 setup):
set channel1 as:
Mixer 1: Src=THR, scale=60
Mixer 2: Src=-ELE, scale=60, Mux=Add
set channel2 as:
Mixer 1: Src=THR, scale=60
Mixer 2: Src=ELE, scale=30, Mux=Add
Mixer 3: Src=AIL, scale=60, Mux=Add
set channel3 as:
Mixer 1: Src=THR, scale=60
Mixer 2: Src=ELE, scale=30, Mux=Add
Mixer 3: Src=-AIL, scale=60, Mux=Add
That will implement the standard 120 mixing scheme used by the cyclic mixer. It does not include dual-rates or Throttle-hold of course.

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07 May 2014 23:30 - 07 May 2014 23:31 #22981 by Rkozak99
Replied by Rkozak99 on topic Deviation Emulator Menus
Thanks phracturedblue. Your response has been very helpful. I'll take approach number one for FB helis. :)
Last edit: 07 May 2014 23:31 by Rkozak99. Reason: Spelling

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