Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo

23 Jan 2013 03:52 #5415 by seaholic
Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo was created by seaholic
Just finished loading FW Devo 10-v2.1.1 to my TX for the first time.
The only problem I am having now is binding my RX1002 with out the fixed ID.
The RX`s red light flashes slowly until the RE-Init. is activated, then I get a solid red light on the RX. Then I try to arm the control board by moving the throttle to the left and nothing happens. Normally the blue light would flash and then go solid when armed. I am at a loss right now. I am sure I missed something, any help would be appreciated.

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23 Jan 2013 06:44 #5422 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Can you give some more infos? I guess you want to fly a quadrocopter or similar because you talk of "arming the control board"?
I have a KK-board working without any problems at a RX801. It is important that you have throttle at -100% for arming. Make sure that you don't have any limitations (throttle curves, scales, limits) for throttle. Same for rudder (e.g. 60% left because of a 'soft setting' will not work).

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23 Jan 2013 16:52 #5436 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Thank you for your reply
Yes I do have a Quadcopter X525 with a KK 5.5 controller set up in X configuration.
Any tips would be helpful in setting this RX up to work with this quad. I am a newbie and I need to tone this quad down. This quad is very sensitive for me to fly. It has really fast response to the controls, which gets me in trouble sometimes.
I was also looking at a different controller to purchase with auto level and maybe care free flight control until I get more experience flying.
Do I need to change TX protocol from Devo to any other protocol? I must be over looking something.

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24 Jan 2013 06:58 #5450 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Take a look at my model.ini file.
It has some expo on ail and ele; dr is controlled with FMOD (0=soft 50%, 1=middle 75%, 2=full 100%). The rudder has also some expo but always 100%.
The throttle curve is a little bit special. For hovering the first curve from -100% to 0% is sufficient for my quad as long as the voltage is high enough. If not or if I want to fly really fast I switch to -100% - 100% (with AIL D/R).
GEAR is used for throttle hold - similar to disarming, but controlled by the rx (disarming is more secure because you can not accidentally switch it...).
With this setting and AIL D/R off, FMOD0 I can fly quite relaxed.
The secret is: do not use the full range for throttle, aileron and elevator and make the area around the middle of the sticks less sensitive by adding some expo.

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24 Jan 2013 07:05 #5451 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
I forgot to mention that you should configure your KK-Board and the ESCs carefully.
Set the values as mentioned in the manual for easy flight.
Also: most ESCs learn the min/max throttle values when you have your throttle stick to max when you switch them on, then down to min (when using my config AIL D/R must be on to use the full range!).
When they have incorrect values set they might think full throttle is reached when your rx puts out 50% - surely not what you intend. Or they will not reach full throttle when they think max is at 150%...

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24 Jan 2013 19:53 #5478 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Many thanks.
This is going to take me a while, this is a little bit above my pay grade.
I agree 100% on not using full range on the throttle, aileron and elevator, my quad is so touchy on the controls it’s amazing. The flight capabilities are endless if you have the experience, though I am on the opposite end of that scale.
This is a great guide for the setting up my quad, I definitely need it. I was only able to change just a few setting on the original TX before I upgraded to the new FW.
I will see tonight if I can enter these settings and see if I can arm the controller.
That you again for the help.

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25 Jan 2013 00:46 #5485 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Another question,
I was thinking I could manually enter this data to my TX but a lot of the info I am not exactly sure were all the inputs go. I then looked at the ini. file you sent me and figured I was to down load it to the TX. I tried to drag the file to the model 2 spot and it would not drop in the file it installed it between 2 and 3 spot. Looks like the TX will not read it as a model 2. I tired removing the default model 2 and loading the new model 2 and it completely changes the display of the TX so I reloaded the default back were I started. I must be doing something wrong. There is a Load, copy to, template and reset. Reset clears the model to default. Copy to copies model to other models stored or for uploading, not sure. Load is to load your changed settings to your model, Not sure and Template I have no glue.
Someone needs to write a book or manual for Dummies, I would buy one.

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25 Jan 2013 06:26 #5498 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
I try to explain all questions I can see in your post...
Load the file to the tx:
  • connect the tx via usb
  • go to tx configuration and right to the last page where you press enter
  • on your pc there should appear a usb drive with some folders and a tx.ini
  • save the file I uploaded to the 'models' directory (the file must be named 'modelXX.ini, where XX is a number >=1 (no leading zero like "01"!))
  • these modelXX.ini-files are prepared because the implemented file system in deViation is not able to create files (and so you would not be able to construct a config from scratch). So a reasonable amount of empty model configs is created (model1.ini to model30.ini), but they all are empty/useless until you customize them. So don't worry to overwrite an existing model (when you have not used it yet). Or name the new file "model31.ini"...
  • leave usb mode with enter on the tx
  • a new model "Kopter No. 3!" should be in your model list
I am quite sure you already have been to this point. Then I think you took the wrong direction:
I think you have touched the icon and ran into the model configuration. With this you can change the settings of the actual model and make some tasks like copying the config to another model config slot. You can't change the model here! Only its config.
To change the model you have to click on the model's name in the top line of the screen. A list with all models will appear where you can choose the one you want. In this list you should find "Kopter No. 3!" (maybe you have to scroll down the page, depending on the number you used when naming the file). Click on this name and you load the config for my model in your tx. From this you can look at the different config pages and will see what I have talked about somewhere earlier, better than studying the model2.ini-file.
This way you change between the different models. You can save the config for every model you fly with all its special needs...
Let me hear if I got you on the right way.

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25 Jan 2013 12:31 #5501 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Thank you again, I will try it again after work.
I am not sure what I did, I know I got to the model list 1- 30 on the USB port. I did try to drag the ini file model2.ini tx. To the model 2 spot but it would locate it between 2 and 3 and I would have 2 –model2.s. I did not rename any file. I also dragged the complete model folder to my desk top and tried enter it there and then drag it back to the USB to over write it, that did not work. When I get home I will study your instructions when I have no distractions around me. I think I am getting close.

Thanks for your guidance

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25 Jan 2013 14:39 #5505 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Please remember that Windows might suppress known file endings such as txt. For me it looks as if you saved my model2.ini as model2.ini.txt and can't see this (otherwise you should not have two files with identical names...).
You can switch this behavior in windows explorer (options - directory options - don't show file extensions... or something similar, I don't have an english windows here). Be careful when you open *.ini-files with notepad (e.g. by clicking a link and when notepad opens automatically) - when you save them, choose "all files" and delete .txt at the end of the file name.

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25 Jan 2013 17:34 - 25 Jan 2013 18:01 #5514 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
I am using Mac, I do have a window computer if I need to use it.
I will remove the file ext and see if that works.
Last edit: 25 Jan 2013 18:01 by seaholic.

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25 Jan 2013 22:41 #5527 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Finally! :woohoo: I had to switch computers,the file was coming up as a web link,short cut you name it. Anyway I got your file down loaded to my TX.
I will study it before I try to fly the quad. I don`t think I would ever have gotten this flight config.without your help.
Thanks again.

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26 Jan 2013 03:44 #5536 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Quick question
You have 3 FMODEs , 0,1, and 2 how are you switching between the Modes? I got a little to impatient and tried to hover, thinking I did it before if I am careful. Just as it started to lift off the ground it flipped. Looked like it went from -100 to 100 on the throttle with nothing in between. In the ini file I see FMODES 1&2 but not FMODE0. 1&2 are switched ? There is a 3 position toggle on the TX but when switched through 1-3 there is no indication on the display that it is working. I will try it again tomorrow.

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26 Jan 2013 07:02 #5539 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
When you look at the mixer pages you will see that on thze fierst there is no switch associated, FMOD1 on page 2 and FMOD2 on page 3. On every page the field "MUX" contains replace.
That means: page 1 is always active, but replaced with page 2 when FMOD1 is on and this replaced with page 3 when FMDO2. So there is no need for a switch for page 1.
The flipping: you might have to reorder the channels. Also I needed some reversing on my config, forgot to mention this.

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26 Jan 2013 13:59 #5542 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Tried again she still wants to flip to the left, and throttle is still sensitive. Doesn’t
Want to engage until halfway point. Doesn’t seem to throttle up smoothly unless its my imagination, what I mean is it doesn’t fill like you can control the speed like 10%,20%,30% you cant gradually increase throttle.
I am still not clear on how you change between FMODs on the TX
Also I am not sure, My Quad is set up in X-mode not Quad-mode if that makes any difference in the TX set up?

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26 Jan 2013 14:11 #5543 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
I the past I was communicating with Minsoo who is the firmware writer for the KK board. He was quite helpful but I still could not transfer his info to my TX. Here is a copy of one of his emails.

Dear Sir
Thank you for your reply.
regarding the transmitter programming, following as below.
- Use a Acro(or airplane)model.
 - Turn- off Mixing.
 - Set End-Point Adjustments to 100% ( + and - ) for Roll, Pitch,Yaw, and Throttle.
 - Center all trims and Sub- Trims.
 - Adjust Exp according to your flight. In case of beginner, set 50% for aileron, elevator.
 - Set at Dual-Rates to 100%.
 - set the other parameter default.
please contact email, if you have any question.

Thanks & Best regards

Again he was very helpful.

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26 Jan 2013 14:27 - 26 Jan 2013 14:28 #5544 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo

seaholic wrote: I the past I was communicating with Minsoo who is the firmware writer for the KK board. He was quite helpful but I still could not transfer his info to my TX. Here is a copy of one of his emails.

Dear Sir
Thank you for your reply.
regarding the transmitter programming, following as below.
- Use a Acro(or airplane)model.
 - Turn- off Mixing.
 - Set End-Point Adjustments to 100% ( + and - ) for Roll, Pitch,Yaw, and Throttle.
 - Center all trims and Sub- Trims.
 - Adjust Exp according to your flight. In case of beginner, set 50% for aileron, elevator.
 - Set at Dual-Rates to 100%.
 - set the other parameter default.
please contact email, if you have any question.

Thanks & Best regards

Again he was very helpful.

I attached an .ini file done by the specifications above, with the following modifications:

1. FMODE0, 50% ELE and AIL
2. FMODE1, 75% ELE and AIL
3. FMODE2 100% ELE and AIL

All above have 20% EXPO configured.

Yaw rate is on RUDD DR:
Pos 0 50%
Pos 1 100%

Model is set for Devo protocol, 100mW, 10 channels, 5 and above are unused.

Download the .ini, rename to a unused model slot (f.e model5.ini) and copy it to your TX.

File Attachment:

File Name: quad.ini
File Size:1 KB

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire
Last edit: 26 Jan 2013 14:28 by sbstnp.

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26 Jan 2013 15:53 #5545 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
...and make your testing without props!!! You will see / hear / feel if one motor turns faster or slower and you don't have to fear unwanted behavior.

BTW, X- or +-mode should not really make a difference because the kk-board knows what to to. It only gets 4 valued from the rx: throttle, aileron, elevator and rudder. It controls the motors in dependency of its knowledge about how they are mounted for X/+.

My model.ini-file is not so far away from the developer's advice.
You should control if you have the association from the tx's channel to the rx's channel to the kk-board's channel correct. A 1:1 connection (kk-ch1 to rx-ch1) will only work by chance. You will have to figure it out.
Look at the KK-manual.
Connect the throttle channel on the kk-board to the throttle-output of the rx and make sure, the throttle channel in the tx is controlled by the throttle stick (this should be true for my and sbstnp's config).
Repeat this for aileron, elevator and rudder.
Also make sure that you have configured your board for X-config if it has dip-switches (otherwise the programming will do so). And make sure that the potentiometers for the sensitivity are near middle position. If they at one end, they will try co correct minimalistic drift with heavy corrections (what can result in flipping). And check if the correction directions are correct. When they work in the wrong direction, they will not work against the drift but intensify the drift what makes the drift heavier what makes the correction higher...

In the case you described I think an intensifying of aileron drift will cause the flip. Check the aileron stabilizer. If you hold your quad in one hand (without props!!!!) and tilt it to the right, the two right motors should turn faster (because they have to correct the (unwanted) tilting by tilting the quad to the left). If I should guess I would say, the two left motors run faster...

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26 Jan 2013 16:43 - 26 Jan 2013 16:45 #5546 by sbstnp
Replied by sbstnp on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
And more, make sure trims for ELE and AIL are neutral (middle).

While lifting up DON'T TOUCH ELE OR AIL.

When flying, after you initiated forward movement f.e. by pushing the ELE stick, LET GO OF THE STICK and allow it to return to neutral. Gently pull it to make it move the other way and stop the aircraft.

Sorry for the caps, but most beginners keep holding the sticks, that could be the cause of your tendency to flip.

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire
Last edit: 26 Jan 2013 16:45 by sbstnp.

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27 Jan 2013 03:42 - 03 Feb 2013 17:58 #5553 by seaholic
Replied by seaholic on topic Binding to the RX1002Just finished lo
Thanks a lot for creating that file. I installed it in slot-5
Its tuff getting old. It took me all night again to download the ini file with out the URL thread. I tried so many different ways the other night I forgot which one worked. I found an other way that works. ( open file, right click and save to target)
Oh! I am not sure how to change between the FMODs is through the display or the toggle switches?
Last edit: 03 Feb 2013 17:58 by seaholic.

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