Screen ilumination on Switch change and Alarms

29 Apr 2013 20:11 - 29 Apr 2013 20:13 #9343 by moeve
Hello Everybuddy,

I read about Deviation brought an Dovo 8s and put your Firmware into it.
I am into Mikrokontrollers and Hardware development and must say it´s a great thing that you have created. Everything works fine but i have an issue with
the current consumption. I will change the 5V linear Regulator with a step down
Regulator. And I have the Backlight timer at 10 sec. I would like the Backlight would turn on automaticly maybe for 5 sec. if I change a Switch or any Alarm is rising. Again many thanks for this fascinating Project.

Last edit: 29 Apr 2013 20:13 by moeve.

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30 Apr 2013 02:10 #9356 by richardclli
Replied by richardclli on topic Screen ilumination on Switch change and Alarms
Wow, you mean you will figure out a mod to prolong the battery life? This will be great, awaiting for your mod.

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30 Apr 2013 03:51 #9358 by vlad_vy
Switching Regulator can create unneeded noise. For example, Devo12 has Switching Regulator and has problems with ADC reading with noise, and require some filtering.

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30 Apr 2013 04:50 #9364 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Screen ilumination on Switch change and Alarms
How long do you guys fly for? My devo8 is good for more a full day flying with NiMh.
With my Devo10, I accidently left it on the other day (need to add doncar's timeout warning). 24hrs later it was still on (screen was dim but otherwise still transmitting). Admittedly that is not at full transmit power, but I just haven't seen any need to work on battery power any further.

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30 Apr 2013 06:28 #9368 by rbe2012
I think, for prolonging battery stand time there will be no need as the examples show.
But the second idea seems to be a good one - switching the light on for a few seconds when an alarm occurs or a switch (or trim?) is changed to see what I am doing would make things easier.

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30 Apr 2013 08:35 - 30 Apr 2013 08:41 #9379 by moeve
Ok the power consumption is only the explanation why I want this 5 sec. backlight.
If you let the Display ilumination always on it eats your Battery.
I admit that with the NiMh pack things are almost ok but with every charge cycle your battery is aging and the contacts are not getting better everytime you put the Batteries in the charger. With a 2s Lipo its even worse you can watch the Voltage going down when light is on. I thing the save ontime with light is not more then 2-3 houres. I prefere Lipos because the contact Problem is one big cause of electronic failure especially in handheld Systems.

For shure there are more important Points to develop but i just feel a little bit greener not jusing my battery power worming up electronic parts and shorting their livetime.

@ vlad_vy
You are right I´ll keep an eye on the noise.
Otherwise i think an SPI Bus makes a lot of noise too.. I will make some Investigation with the Spectrum Analyser.

Thanks for the fast and valuable consideration of my suggestions
Last edit: 30 Apr 2013 08:41 by moeve.

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