[Solved] MultiModule 1.3 not detected by Devo7E

10 May 2015 04:26 - 14 May 2015 23:22 #32327 by blackmoon
I just lost the night installing a rev 1.3 MM (with ATtiny44A) into my Devo7E.

All connections by the wiki and all tested OK!

Loaded the avr.hex file from multimodv3.zip into the root of the flash drive, then flashed the Devo7E with the programmer_devo7e.dfu.

hardware.ini file (only enabled the NRF module that is hard wired to the MM, the other two I'll add them one by one, to do a step by step test of each module) :
;Only useful for transmitters with an after-market vibration motor
;switch_types: 3x2, 3x1, 2x2
; there is no need to enable the cyrf6936 module unless
; it is wired to an alternate port. It is Enabled automatically otherwise

Booted up the TX and got the following message almost unreadable (see picture), I think it reads :
Found AVR : 07921e53
hex: 20bytes
6 verified

Then flashed the latest nightly and was gratified by the following message (pic 2) :
Missing modules :

Only the factory CYRF module is detected, I'm lost...

Edit : can't post the pictures (500k each) every time I try, there is a fatal error :(
Last edit: 14 May 2015 23:22 by blackmoon.

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10 May 2015 08:35 #32333 by mwm
That report about "hex: 20bytes" is telling you it only wrote 20 bytes to the ATTiny. Not nearly enough. Should be several hundred at least. Check the avr.hex file to make sure it's the right size. Beyond that, I use an avr programmer, so haven't tried doing this with a Devo, so can't help much.

The general approach to debugging is to start with just the MM plugged in and enabled, and nothing else. If that doesn't work, check the connections, check the power, recheck that the thing flashed properly. I then do things very slowly - add a module, test that everything is still detected. Enable it, test that it's now detected. Repeat.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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10 May 2015 12:52 - 10 May 2015 13:17 #32344 by blackmoon
After viewing Sebydocky video about the MM, I saw on his devo10 that the screen displayed something like +300bytes, now your reply confirms something is wrong with the At44 programing. The avr.hex size once extracted from the zip is reported as 975bytes on the file properties.

And yes I made the mistake of soldering the NRF module, should have done it after programing and testing just the module. I'm going to try flashing with an external programer and report back.

Btw all connections tested for continuity and are OK.

Thank you for the reply mwm :)
Last edit: 10 May 2015 13:17 by blackmoon.

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10 May 2015 17:39 - 10 May 2015 17:39 #32360 by blackmoon
Well I was happy for five minutes :(

Flashed the Tiny with a external programer, all went well avr.hex + fuses OK!

Fired up the TX the NRF2401 module was recognized and bound to my HFP80 without issues, then added the A7105 same thing, then the CC2500 everything was on track. All four modules recognized and working without issues.

Then came the time to close the TX and there began the issues, CC2500 missing, then next power-up it was the CYRF, next power-up no more MultiModule , ad nauseam..:angry:

I finally concluded that there isn't enough space to fit the MM + three modules when the TX's back is screwed there is to much strain on connections and the result is random missing modules. I just took out the CC2500 because for the time being I only have one model with it, the Wasp NanoCP.

I'm thinking (if I have something else using the CC2500 one day, or maybe PB will have his UTX ready, and crossing fingers it will fit inside a 7E) of doing my own MM design only for the three additional modules that I have and with a SOIC package for the Tiny, it should fit without to much hassle. Or maybe I'll revisit LittleMo (RCG) skyartec ppm module and have it hanging on the back.

Until then back to square one, with one module missing in my Devo7E... life sucks :P
Last edit: 10 May 2015 17:39 by blackmoon.

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11 May 2015 08:19 #32380 by phantom8
I was able to installed all 3 modules onto the MM and fit it inside my Devo 7e without issues. My trick was to reduce the gap between each modules & the MM. Basically, all modules and MM are very closed together (almost touching). To avoid short, I separated them with insulation tape. If you do it this way, you shouldn't need to put any pressure on the MM when installing the 7e back cover.

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12 May 2015 15:28 #32451 by blackmoon
Do you have any picture that show exactly where you put it, it certainly would help ?

Another thing what modules did you use? I have the banggood NRF2401 , Skyartec CC2500 and V911 A7105.

I forgot to say that I also have the 2x3way switch mode done so there is extra wires running inside the case, but I have to admit that I'm not that tidy when it comes to route wires and such :whistle:

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12 May 2015 15:41 #32453 by RedSleds
You could also "remote mount" one or two RF modules by making wire harnesses to the Multi-Module, which would reduce the thickness of the MM assembly and allow you to put them elsewhere inside the Tx., spreading around the different pieces wherever they will fit.

DEVO 10 - Multi-module with nRF24L01 +PA +LNA, A7105 +PA, & CC2500 +PA +LNA transceivers.
Nightly Build: v4.0.1-548bbf5 (6/9/2015)

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12 May 2015 16:30 #32457 by blackmoon
I'll try doing that later this week, I'll try also to be a little more organized :oops: . Hoping that I won't have anymore of those annoying missing modules messages.

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14 May 2015 23:19 - 14 May 2015 23:21 #32593 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic [Solved] MM1.3 not detected by Devo7E

I re-routed all the wires from the switch mod (at the time I only had very thick wires) to free some space in the center of the case, changed the antenna on the CC2500-skyartec module from straight to 90° ( at first I was thinking to pass it inside the ducky like the devo antenna), moved the V911-flysky module to the bottom, right of the factory module. Lo and behold! four modules inside my Devo7E and all working as they should. :woohoo:

Just before closing the TX I had a MultiModule missing warning again. After verifying all connections it was bad solder joint on the NRF2401 module's ground pin, this intermittent connection prevented the MM detection by the TX. So for those having the MM warnings check your solder joints.

To finish I apologize for all the noise I did, should have been more careful and neat with the wiring.
Last edit: 14 May 2015 23:21 by blackmoon.

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05 Oct 2016 18:55 #54637 by Bisky
I can't get the multi module to work. Flashing was done with STK500v2 no module installed on multimod 1.3 board. I use a ATtiny24A, installed A7105 and over it the NRF24L01. I get no errors on power up, but olso the NRF24L01 doesn't work wit Assan as it did before, heave no means of testing A7105.
Also heave the small problem of closing up the transmitter(devo 7e), don't know how this should work with three modules on the multimod 13. board...

Has anyone some pictures on how to fit this in, my multimodule 1.3 board connection pinout.

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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05 Oct 2016 19:17 #54638 by Deal57
The MM in a 7e is very tight, and fitting a multimodule and it's connections is tricky. First of course it should work. When you choose a protocol in the Model Setup screen, do the protocols you need havan asterisk (example: *Flysky instead of Flysky)? If they do your MM isn't working. If they don't, then it's either the Hardware.ini file or some other setting. We would need to have you post a copy of the hardware.ini.

Let us know.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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05 Oct 2016 19:30 #54640 by Bisky
my ini file:

;Only useful for transmitters with an after-market vibration motor
;switch_types: 3x2, 3x1, 2x2
;button_types: trim-all, trim-(left|right)-(up|down|both)
;May occur more than once if necessary.
; there is no need to enable the cyrf6936 module unless
; it is wired to an alternate port. It is Enabled automatically otherwise
enable-multimod = A13
; enable-cyrf6936 = B12
has_pa-cyrf6936 = 1
enable-a7105 = S1
has_pa-a7105 = 1
; enable-cc2500 = S3
; has_pa-cc2500 = 1
enable-nrf24l01 = S402
has_pa-nrf24l01 = 1

I get no errors, I can select the protocol I want, but it's not binding.

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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06 Oct 2016 01:00 #54641 by Deal57
It sure looks like everything is set up right. This may be a power problem as reported by a few users, and you can tell by taking off the A7105 (if possible to do) or at least disconnecting the power to it. But this is speculation.

If you can try the MM with another model, you may find that it is protocol dependent.

And there is another alternative... remove the MM and wire the modules directly. It will cut (a little) the power requirements. And it can fit into the shell more easily. If you need to have three tx modules it is still possible with a bit of very small solder.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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06 Oct 2016 17:57 #54667 by Bisky
Could a additional 3.3v power supply fix my problem?
Does anyone know if this cc2500 can bi use it is not the skyartec? The pin out is different, banggood shipped me the wrong one...

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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06 Oct 2016 18:08 #54669 by Deal57
It's hard to tell without being able to read the markings on the chip. Can you make out any numbers on the 20pin square chip near the connectors (to the left in your photo)? If it is a CC2500 then it should be ok, and I'm pretty sure that it has the Power amp.

You would need to be sure you wire it right, because the connector has a couple of positions different than the most common one we use.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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06 Oct 2016 18:14 #54670 by Bisky
It is a CC2500 and that is a power amp, the pin's are not just mixed some are different labels.

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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08 Oct 2016 07:17 #54708 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic [Solved] MultiModule 1.3 not detected by Devo7E
I use that cc2500 module with great success, although I do not use multimod. For me it is much easier to solder one wire to the CPU and have all csn pin directly controlled by the main cpu.

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08 Oct 2016 16:22 #54724 by Bisky

Fernandez wrote: I use that cc2500 module with great success, although I do not use multimod. For me it is much easier to solder one wire to the CPU and have all csn pin directly controlled by the main cpu.

How did you hock up the module? The one I heave is not skyartec.

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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08 Oct 2016 16:59 #54728 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic [Solved] MultiModule 1.3 not detected by Devo7E
It is indeed different than skyartec, but all pins are marked correct.

You need to connect the csn pin to A13 A14 A15 etc whatever you like into your Tx only one module connected.
Then the Tx (amplifier) en and Rx (LNA) pins en they are looped back to pins at the module to Gdo2 Gdo0, not sure anymore which.
All other lines just connect as usual.

I am certain I posted some images at the time of the wiring, there has been discussion on this one, but I can't find anymore the topic. I find using search on this site it comes back with soo many irrelevant posts that is hard to find what you looking for.

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08 Oct 2016 17:51 #54731 by Bisky
Removed the multimod, soldered modules NRF24L01 and A7105 directly.
I also searched for your post with no luck, will keep on searching...

TX, Fernandez

Ultimate 7E + range mod + 3x2 switch mod + 3in1 module
Devo F7 XMS + 4in1 module

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