8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e

27 Dec 2013 21:48 #17159 by SilbernerSurfer
8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e was created by SilbernerSurfer
I did the 8s module mod. Now transmitter says this:

I have tried the devention and the stock firmware. same result.

Stock firmware stays stable, but also no binding.

What can it be?


EDIT 1: When i have desoldered the 8s upgrade module the devo is working.

With the module the devo shows the behaviour from the vid above

Maybe the module is faulty?


I have soldered in my A7105 and it works. I can fly my v911 without problems.
I think i have received a faulty 8s upgrade module.

Where can i get one? I have ordered mine 3 month ago. Miracle-Mart is out of stock. Description on my module says: WK-21201RF.
Also V1.0.
Maybe that means Version 1.0

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27 Dec 2013 21:56 #17160 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
are you sure you hooked up the module ok?

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27 Dec 2013 22:03 #17162 by SilbernerSurfer
Replied by SilbernerSurfer on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e

HappyHarry wrote: are you sure you hooked up the module ok?

yes, i soldered it twice.

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27 Dec 2013 22:26 - 27 Dec 2013 22:26 #17172 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
i only ask because this sounds similar to when i installed my module, and i thought that CE went to VDD and that VCC went to thn pin next to VDD on the Tx, but VCC and CE both go to VDD.

but maybe you have a different issue?
Last edit: 27 Dec 2013 22:26 by HappyHarry.

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27 Dec 2013 22:52 - 27 Dec 2013 22:55 #17190 by SilbernerSurfer
Replied by SilbernerSurfer on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
This is the pinout which i have used:


Do you know how the plug is called at the module?
Last edit: 27 Dec 2013 22:55 by SilbernerSurfer.

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27 Dec 2013 22:56 - 27 Dec 2013 22:58 #17192 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
this is the hookups i used, this pic of them is from daryoon's www.hacksmods.com site, ignore the top half as that is for a different module, but look at the bottom half for the 7e hookup points

Last edit: 27 Dec 2013 22:58 by HappyHarry.

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27 Dec 2013 23:45 #17210 by SilbernerSurfer
Replied by SilbernerSurfer on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
There is no need for the VDD point in case of the 8S mod for thr Devo 7e.

I have double checked the soldered connections multiple times. I think the module is faulty or i have burned it.

I will try it with a new one.

Do you know where i can get one cheaper than 20$?

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28 Dec 2013 00:07 - 28 Dec 2013 00:18 #17224 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
how about you try it the way i posted?

so try and connect your module pins like so
pin 1 CS/SS to tms or tck (depends if this is your first or second additional module) on 7e (yellow dot)
pin 2 SCK to SCK on 7e (blue dot)
pin 3 earth to earth on 7e (black dot)
pin4 MOSI to MOSI on 7e (orange dot)
pin5 MISO to MISO on 7e (green dot)
pin6 V+ and pin10 reset to VDD on 7e (red dot and pink dots)

as you have nothing to loose by trying it this way :)

also is there a reason to using this 8s module and not the other nrf module? as this one is only ~$9 >> www.banggood.com/DEVO-Transmitter-Tuner-...ys-V922-p-89812.html
Last edit: 28 Dec 2013 00:18 by HappyHarry.

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28 Dec 2013 00:31 #17235 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e

Are you guys talking about the same thing?

I think SilbernerSurfer is trying to remove the existing CYR module and install the 8s module into his Devo7e.

Once done, he get the full range without having to do the range mod. (Which involves shield removal and diode shorting)

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28 Dec 2013 00:39 #17239 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
ahh, sorry i had presumed he was just adding a second module to the 7e. though adding it as a second module might be a good way to troubleshoot the module to see if it's faulty :)

and the range mod is much easier than removing and replacing the existing module imo, so why bother with this method now that the range mod is known?

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28 Dec 2013 02:19 #17245 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
I know at least one person who accidentally desolder all the diodes and caps above the range mod diode with his new 75 watt solder iron. (this happened yesterday I believe.)

So he's definitely a candidate to acquire a 8s module and solder in. LOL

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28 Dec 2013 02:35 #17246 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
Please take pictures of what you've done. damaging the CYRF module is quite unlikely (though it is possible). The behavior you describe looks like you have something shorting between power and ground.

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28 Dec 2013 04:04 #17250 by SadSack
Replied by SadSack on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
Maybe this will help some how :) ?


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28 Dec 2013 04:55 - 28 Dec 2013 04:57 #17251 by SilbernerSurfer
Replied by SilbernerSurfer on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e

PhracturedBlue wrote: Please take pictures of what you've done. damaging the CYRF module is quite unlikely (though it is possible). The behavior you describe looks like you have something shorting between power and ground.

Yes this is right!! At first i did not double check my connections and soldered point 1 from Devo 7e to point 3 of the 8s module. And point 7 from the Devo 7e to point 1 of the 8s module.

Connected the battery to the Devo 7 e board and there is comming some smoke from the left side of the Devo 7e board.

Fortunately i have a board from a replacement Devo 7e which i dont had to sent back to my seller while he gave me a new one.

So nothing lost. But i think i had burnt the 8s module to. There wasnt any smoke, but i think it is damaged too.

I will try it with a new 8s module.

I am really impressed about Phractured's, Daryoons and SadSack's (If i translate your nick in the right way, good luck for the future.) knowledge!!!

I removed a diod too in the past by a try to make the range mod.

One of the points where the diod was soldered to cant keep solder anymore.
That was the reason for my seller to send me a new Devo 7e.

Well, no big losses for me. Only one 8s module. Hopefully i find a new one about 10$.

Anyway, Deviation is great and thanks to Phractured and all of the others realizing this wonderfull project.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2013 04:57 by SilbernerSurfer.

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15 Mar 2014 14:19 #21564 by ZulNs
Replied by ZulNs on topic 8s mod, range mod, Devo 7e
SilbernerSurfer, you have swapped MOSI and MISO pins aside on 7e, those not pin 4 for MOSI and pin 3 for MOSI as from www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=26641835&postcount=274 , but pin 3 for MOSI and pin 4 for MISO.


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