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Some new features
- domcars0
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I've coded some new features on my repository, works on emu_devo 7e/8/10,
tested on real Devo10
* New 'fulltime' timer up to 99h59mn59s (to reset it you have to edit the modelX.ini and remove the line fulltime = nn)
* stopwatch or countdown timer may have a command assigned to reset it (I use this to alert me when no sticks are touched more than x minutes)
* Play buzzer when setting volume buzzer
* Configurable battery level warning interval (ported from 'sbstnp')
* Configurable shutdown music.
* Devo 7e/10 icons for switches state (replace the number)
(a fork of bitbucket.org/sunvsuv/deviationfor6810-stable )
Hope this can help...
Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers

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- PhracturedBlue
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Managing deltas from his repo is difficult because he doesn't actually track my tree, so I end up using diff and patch instead of Mercurial merge capabilities. That makes it painful for me to manage, and slows me down.
If you don't want to, I can do it myself, but it is annoying. especially given that it doesn't include thelast weeks worth of my code.
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- Hexperience
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- clearprop88
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My flying procedure is to land my heli, leave the TX on, remove the battery, and replace it with a freshly charged one. It automatically rebinds to my Devo 8 when I plug in the battery, and I fly again but I have to be able to reset the timer.
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- domcars0
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clearprop88 wrote: I would find it very useful to be able to reset my timer.
My flying procedure is to land my heli, leave the TX on, remove the battery, and replace it with a freshly charged one. It automatically rebinds to my Devo 8 when I plug in the battery, and I fly again but I have to be able to reset the timer.
stopwatch or countdown timers always exists and you can of course reset them as usual. Permanent (or fulltime) timer allow you to know how long has been flying a specific model (it's a kind of odometer but for flying time). Really sorry for my bad english.
@PB: I will try to rebase the code on the trunk this week-end.
Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers

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- clearprop88
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- clearprop88
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I just tried it, it works.
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- PhracturedBlue
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One thing I know is that I don't see a need for a 3rd menu system. So I'll likely just merge his system into the current 'Advanced' mixer at some time. Once I'm close to ready to do that, I'll solicit feedback on which parts people prefer.
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- PhracturedBlue
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- domcars0
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Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers

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PhracturedBlue wrote: I played with suvsuv's "Advanced2" settings in his repo. I think it is a lot more intuitive than the current 'Advanced' mixer setup. My main issue with it is that I think it takes more button presses to do the same task, which might be annoying. I need to play with it more. I think on a Devo8 I'd want a different layout to handle the expo/dr case, but for managing 'Complex' mixers it is definitely superior.
One thing I know is that I don't see a need for a 3rd menu system. So I'll likely just merge his system into the current 'Advanced' mixer at some time. Once I'm close to ready to do that, I'll solicit feedback on which parts people prefer.
I think it would worth a dedicated topic to discuss that, but here are my first impressions:
I don't really like it, more precisely I wouldn't like the DEVO 8 to be like that.
I think the drop of the Simple and Expo&DR mixer templates are too much sacrifise, however for the limited display of the DEVO 10 it's not that bad compromise, even though the lists could be more informative.
The only thing that I like is the list of the complex mixer pages, and in the DEVO 8 the list could contain much more useful data. (For example what sense do it have to always list "->Ch1(ELE)", when all the items will contain that?)
It would be a good place to have the rearrangement too, the DEVO 8 has the necessary space for that.
The DEVO 8 could show all the fields of a complex mixer page at once, so you haven't have to preselect the source when adding a new page, i.e. you could change it later too without the need to delete and add again.
However it would mean more clicks to view and/or modify things...
I think the most confusing thing is the CCPM configuration part: if you select a CCPM option while adding a page (even when it's not the first), all previous pages are cleared, while it would be better if they were copied to the virtual channel. (It's true for the DEVO 8 too, but there changing to the CCPM is more differentiated.)
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- PhracturedBlue
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I would like to see an enhancement that allows resetting (and maybe viewing) the permanent timer on the 'timer' page.
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- domcars0
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Me tooPhracturedBlue wrote: I would like to see an enhancement that allows resetting (and maybe viewing) the permanent timer on the 'timer' page.

Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers

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- domcars0
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Also, for the Devo6/8/12, I have separated the Timers Config Page in 2 pages.
Devo 10 (+7e) owner. It's mine, please don't touch it with your big fingers

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- Hexperience
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There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
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- rbe2012
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Resetting a timer (I took GEAR1 as switch) works only when the timer is not counting (bound on CH3). Toggling has no effect. I did not expect this, but makes sense.
But when the reset condition is true (GEAR1), immediately when the throttle was down (ch3=-100) the timer was reset. Is this wanted this way? Shouldn't the timer only be reset when the switch is actually toggled?
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- Hexperience
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PhracturedBlue wrote: I played with suvsuv's "Advanced2" settings in his repo.
I'm sure it's just a problem with my build environment, but when I try to run the emu_devo8 from that repo, the fonts are all messed up, then I got a blue screen of death. I'm on win7 64 bit, and I'm betting that repo is built on linux.
Long story short, will there be an opportunity to see this new advanced mixer before it gets changed in the main deviation trunk?
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
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- rbe2012
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- Some new features