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Deviation for Devo F4?
- Epitaph
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I'll try out the new one tonight and let you know how it goes, and thanks to everyone who is putting their bit into this project; I only wish I could do more!!
Big hugs all around!!
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- SirDomsen
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Great work so far!!
And thanks a lot for having a look at such a cheap transmitter

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- Epitaph
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So best I get some sleep tonight and try it out tomorrow, and I'll fiddle about with it to see if i can figure out what works and what doesn't as it is.
Good night world, see you tomorrow!!
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- PhracturedBlue
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Initially, you will install the firmware, then boot to USB mode, then upload the pre-packaged devo.fs and be on your way. My next task is to play with 'Dokan' to see if I can write a easy to use filesystem driver to give access to the actual files on the transmitter. If that doesn't work out well, I will instead write a stand-alone explorer like program to let you access them.
I still need to clean some things up, so I'm not yet ready to provide a new dfu to test, but I'll put it up when I'm ready
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- SirDomsen
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- Epitaph
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PhracturedBlue wrote: After Epitaph remarked on turning his Transmitter into a 64K pen-drive
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- Epitaph
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So, I installed the new Deviation PH posted yesterday, and my Tx came back to life (YAY!!!). Anyway, I tried out some binding stuff and I have managed to bind it successfully to a Walkera Devo RX601, and also to an OrangeRX 6ch DSM2 R620, so that's 2 protocols that I know are working.
Then with both receivers I started to see what was being received and what wasn't with a spare servo I had, and I have all 6 channels on both receivers working properly (I just assigned channels 5 and 6 to work with aileron and elevator stick for that), with full response as you would expect with both receivers.
So, for the moment, I have found it to work with at least 6 channels (don't have a larger receiver right now to test more), with no problems whatsoever with both a DEVO and a DSM2 receiver.
EXPO seems to be working correctly also, and unfortunately I can't try out D/R as the switch I added doesn't work via software. Now, with this said, I know there is limitations with switches for the time being, and we might not be able to add any switches at all to the board... but... what about the PPM via Arduino solution which is being used to add proportional channels and extra switches to other Deviated radios like the 7E? There is PPM selectable on the menu, and the transmitter has the same trainer port as the 7E, so we might be able to add switches and pots via that solution to control everything else if all else fails... I'll set up an Arduino Uno I have to test this theory as soon as I get a chance, because if that works, that would mean we would have a final solution!!
Now... issues I found... the only one I found was with the video. In the model menu I initialized the video feed, and the whole screen went blue, no letters or anything at all... and the bad thing is that no option would let me get out of that mode, none of the buttons made it go back, so the only way I had of getting back to the menu was to reflash the transmitter again from the beginning!! Now, I haven't tried this changing the channel before initializing, but surely there should be a way to exit that and go back to the menu if you have the wrong channel selected, not to mention the fact that even turning the transmitter off, removing the battery, then inserting it and turning it back on still gave the same results of a blank blue screen... So there seems to be some issues on that function.
But all in all, considering that there were going to be issues as this is just an experiment, I would say this have been a VERY successful test!!
Now, considering the limited memory this transmitter has, will there be an issue making 10 complex models with model.ini files that are larger than usual, as in there not being enough space? If so, can any kilobytes be gained by removing things from the Deviation version, like for example, module and protocol support, or simplifying the input possibilities?? I mean, we're not expecting an F12E out of this, it's a €25 transmitter with video feed, and already with 6 channels, DEVO, DSM2 and probably also DSMX (just I don't have a receiver handy to try it with), and probably input one way or another, I think it's more than enough of a radio!!
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- PhracturedBlue
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As for how you will work with the USB filesystem, I'll provide more info when I release it, but it will be pre-formatted, and should be pretty easy to use.
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- xJustiinsane
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I personally want to have more support with protocols then more models.
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- Epitaph
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I really apreciate the work that was put into deviation firmware and fully understand that this is an expirimental firmware for my remote at this time so thank you for the answer.
Epitaph could you please elaborate on the steps you took in order to upload the firmware to your F4 so I could try and copy It and check if it will work on my F7
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- Epitaph
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The F7 FW is on the Nightly Builds download page here
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- PhracturedBlue
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- Epitaph
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Any thoughts as to the video issue I mentioned??
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- PhracturedBlue
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- Epitaph
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Also, maybe the video should be set up independently of the model, and not model specific, because when you're at fly-ins, you have to find the channel that's available for you to fly on, and you shouldn't have to change that channel on every FPV model you own in each model setup individually, but rather a global one that the transmitter would use... it would make it much easier to change channel should you find interference on the frequency you are using at that moment at the place you are at, hence why VTx's have their channel selection so easily set up, not to find a channel, but to change it easily if there is a problem on one at a particular venue.
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- djtrance
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The problem with the video, is when you have not a video signal on the video rx. I have the same problem but, how in the F7 you can use de mix or other function to turn it on or off, is not problem, because you can turn off the video rx and you can see the menu. this can be a problem into the F4, because the are not to much button stick etc. on this device. other problem that there are with the firmware, is that when you shut down the tx an turn it on, the device don't remember the video config. is not a big problem, in my F7 I set up the video channel every time when I turn it on the video rx.
I don't have this code on bitbucket because my hard drive has die, but I'm setting up my computer, and maybe tomorrow I can return to work.
How I can se about the firmware on the devo F7?. The devo is working well with dsm2 and with devo protocol. I have tested a lot with my ladybird2 and I have not problem with it. the menus need a lot of work. there are some function that I want to use to change some of the function that can write some graphics on the screen. well is not a graphics like other devo is most like a different type of dots. but is hard to work with this, because there are not to much space on the screen to write all of thing that there are on devo 10.
we must fix some problem with the clear screen function that doesn't work well all the time, you can see this problem in the binding process when you haven't paired model, and turn it on the radio.
the good new is that all of the code can work on devo f7 and f4

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- RoGuE_StreaK
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SirDomsen wrote: Damn cheap, not even 50€.
May I ask where you guys/gals are finding them for these prices? Cheapest I can find on ebay is about aud$130, which is about euro$90?Epitaph wrote: it's a €25 transmitter with video feed
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- PhracturedBlue
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I've been working on being able to work on the devofs file-system from my PC. I have some basic access stuff working, but a lot more work is still needed before it will be useful.
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- SirDomsen
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RoGuE_StreaK wrote:
SirDomsen wrote: Damn cheap, not even 50€.
May I ask where you guys/gals are finding them for these prices? Cheapest I can find on ebay is about aud$130, which is about euro$90?Epitaph wrote: it's a €25 transmitter with video feed
I got mine from here
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- Deviation for Devo F4?