V202 protocol

27 Apr 2013 23:45 #9284 by dc59
Replied by dc59 on topic V202 protocol
Hi Daryoon,

Could Hisky tx(or HT8 module) bind to V202?
Did you try it?

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28 Apr 2013 04:50 - 28 Apr 2013 04:50 #9290 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic V202 protocol
It was confirmed in another thread and forum that the v202 does not bind to the HT8. But at least with Vitcz' code, Deviation will be able to with the right transceiver installed.
Last edit: 28 Apr 2013 04:50 by Daryoon.

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28 Apr 2013 15:35 #9313 by kingiggy
Replied by kingiggy on topic V202 protocol
So is the NRF24L01 module like the following the correct one to use with the v202?


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28 Apr 2013 15:46 #9316 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic V202 protocol
Oh, no external antenna... I would expect range problems. There are modules offered for 500m range which have enough power for flying helis.

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28 Apr 2013 16:13 #9317 by kingiggy
Replied by kingiggy on topic V202 protocol
There is also this one which does have an external antenna.


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29 Apr 2013 00:38 - 29 Apr 2013 00:39 #9327 by dc59
Replied by dc59 on topic V202 protocol

Daryoon wrote: It was confirmed in another thread and forum that the v202 does not bind to the HT8. But at least with Vitcz' code, Deviation will be able to with the right transceiver installed.

That's a bad news for me,because I have a HT8.
Thanks, anyway ~~
Last edit: 29 Apr 2013 00:39 by dc59.

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29 Apr 2013 05:44 - 29 Apr 2013 14:35 #9329 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
EDITED! Points to correct nRF24L01 module, thanks to rbe2012.

kingiggy wrote: There is also this one which does have an external antenna.


This one is better, it has power amplifier (PA) which makes it powerful enough to reach more than 15-20m. On the other hand, this one has very bulky antenna connector. Mine had inline connector and I desoldered it anyway and soldered antenna from original V202 module. There is not much space inside of Devo, so I doubt that I will be able to find a place for the third add-on module when I need one. So this bulky connector must go. I used the following module, it is probably no better than yours.
Last edit: 29 Apr 2013 14:35 by victzh.

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29 Apr 2013 07:28 #9331 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic V202 protocol
Be careful - the two modules above use different rf chips (nrf24L01 and cc2500) - the headlines are sometimes misleading because they want you to find their goods with any search...
In the description there is written which chip is used. They can't be exchanged.
For V202 you will need a nrf24L01-module.

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29 Apr 2013 14:32 #9335 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
Oh, shacks! Thanks for correcting it - my mistake. There are two visibly very close modules, one on nRF24L01 and another on CC2500, and I definitely meant nRF, while accidentally referring to the wrong one. I will edit my post to point to correct one.

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30 Apr 2013 07:31 #9374 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
Submitted pull request for the first implementation.

I implemented it as 6 channel protocol, though actually it is 4 channels + flags for LED and auto flip. So flags are formed dynamically from 2 extra channels.

Auto flip is slightly mysterious, it is apparently not only flag, but some movement of controls which native radio probably implements. So now it works, but only in some cases. Apparently, I need to spend a bit more time with logic analyzer. And may be flying it outdoors to figure out the exact flipping behavior.

So, who's next? ;-)

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30 Apr 2013 13:05 #9399 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic V202 protocol
Thanks a lot! Also, I really appreciate you following my coding conventions such that I could pull everything in without any changes.

Can you summarize exactly how you connected the module? it is just a standard SPI connection with the 'C_en' pin tied to vcc?

I'll need to update the documentation with that info.

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30 Apr 2013 16:07 #9403 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
Yes, it is. I connected 8-pin 0.1" connector and soldered CE to VCC right on the connector, so I am not sure what happens if I switch it to CC2500 module. But as V202 does not require manipulation with CE that works for it.

The drawback is you need to pick 2 out of 3 possible addons, so I am thinking of either implementing a board with multiplexors, or exploring some universal radio possibilities with direct mode (A7105 has it, but data rate is lacking, and there are more "standard" radio chips with similar abilities, e.g. ADF7242).

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30 Apr 2013 17:03 #9409 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic V202 protocol
The ADF7242 looks interesting with wide data rates and support for all necessary modulation. I'm not sure if the gaussian filter is tuneable (I think it would need to be?), and it appears to have flexibility in the preamble/sync bytes. I have no experience with direct-mode. This is where someone with RF experience really needs to lend a hand to develop a universal module.

The downside of the ADF7242 is that the only pre-assembled boards I can find are the official eval boards which run $100 each. While that is fine for development, it woulkd require designing, manufacturing, and selling a custom board for Deviation. Finding a transceiver with a pre-assembled board that could be used at reasonable cost would make the overall project more appealing. But I'm flexible. If you have the knowledge to lead the way, just tell me how I can help :)

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30 Apr 2013 17:50 #9410 by Daryoon
Replied by Daryoon on topic V202 protocol
2 put of 3 module isn't too bad. It's already so far ahead of the commercial available radio, I don't mind this limitation at all.

Can't wait to try a nightly with this code. Now to go purchase the appropriate transceiver.

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30 Apr 2013 18:46 - 30 Apr 2013 18:49 #9413 by RandMental
Replied by RandMental on topic V202 protocol
There has been much discussion about a universal module or decoders that allow 3 or 4 modules to be installed.

I plan to have the three additional modules installed (some are still on the way), however I decided it will be much easier to add a small slide switch in the Devo8s battery compartment that switches the chip enable line between the CC2500 and nRF24L01 modules.

This way I have my 3 most use modes available on the GUI and for the 4th, I just need to flip the switch in the battery compartment to enable the nRF. This I believe is a cheap, fail safe and 100% reliable way, with no RF issues or design risk.
Last edit: 30 Apr 2013 18:49 by RandMental.

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30 Apr 2013 18:57 #9415 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol

PhracturedBlue wrote: The downside of the ADF7242 is that the only pre-assembled boards I can find are the official eval boards which run $100 each. While that is fine for development, it woulkd require designing, manufacturing, and selling a custom board for Deviation. Finding a transceiver with a pre-assembled board that could be used at reasonable cost would make the overall project more appealing. But I'm flexible. If you have the knowledge to lead the way, just tell me how I can help :)

Yea, I understand the drawbacks of not having a ready made, PA equipped module. But first, ADF7242 has PA inside, it's not that powerful as stand-alone, but anyway, it's 4.8dBm which is better than standard 0dBm. Actually, impedance match and power output is the only physical problem, though it can be solved by tedious soldering of 0402 components and measuring output, or at least, transmitter range. I turned my attention to this particular module because Michael Ossmann of Ubertooth fame planned to use this instead of CC2400.

On the other hand, there is such beast as A7125, which unfortunately does not exist with PA, but it has right bit rate, direct mode (with code examples) etc. May be if we ask politely on Aliexpress, they already have it with PA, or can order it.

The filters is another issue, as you mentioned. I did not dig it deep enough, I've seen that spectral data is specified for CC2500, but don't know about others. Also, modulation can be GFSK or FSK, but what matters is the frequency deviation. Again, I remember I've seen this specified for CC2500 (and it's adjustable), should check others.

I am trying to make a table for different chip abilities and corresponding protocol usage to figure out common ground (if any).

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03 May 2013 14:22 #9505 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic V202 protocol
I looked at the A7125. I don't think it will be flexible enough to act as a single module. It only supports 1 and 2 mhz data rates, but several protocols need less than that. I'm not sure about the ADF7242 either. The DSM2 protocol (for instance) requires 64-chip SDR.

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03 May 2013 16:33 #9510 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic V202 protocol
A7125 bitrates - formally it is 1 and 2Mbps only, but the register format suggests that less than that is available also - we need to try it. I plan to check FlySky on it, it is very close to A7105 in other aspects.

And yes, I realize that we can't get rid of CYRF6936, nothing else supports very specific DSSS schema they use. By everything GFSK/FSK seems to be achievable.

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03 May 2013 20:28 #9514 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic V202 protocol
The register seems to only have 2bits if you mean the SDR (0x0D) register, so I'm not sure howto get less than 1Mbps. I'll certainly be interested in your results though.

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06 May 2013 16:43 #9621 by kingiggy
Replied by kingiggy on topic V202 protocol
Ok I received the nRF24L01 module from ebay. Is there any documentation on how to wire this up and test the v202 protocol with Deviation?

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