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  • SadSack
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09 Jul 2016 15:49
Replied by SadSack on topic Can't connect st-link to devo8

Can't connect st-link to devo8

Category: Development

Erasing flash with not brick, just blank.
Don't even need bootloader + hardwired bootloader will still be there. I've posted a few times how to load deviation without using walkera loader but appears no one tried, didn't understand or just too clever and dismissed it....

My comment while short same as above.
  • mwm
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09 Jul 2016 05:37
Replied by mwm on topic Can't connect st-link to devo8

Can't connect st-link to devo8

Category: Development

This has nothing to do with the Walkera upload stuff. That is an obfuscation of the dfu file that has to be understood by both the dfu tool and the bootloader.

The only place I know of where this has been discussed is in a thread on reinstalling the Walkera dfu bootloader on a 7e after replacing the mcu. FWIW, I never managed to talk to my 6s or 10 with an st-link either, and I have worked with other stm32f103 mcus.

The read protection sounds right to me. You might try turning it on on a dev board and seeing if you get the same results. If that's the case, I'd like to hear about it.
  • SadSack
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08 Jul 2016 20:09
Replied by SadSack on topic Can't conect st-link to devo8

Can't connect st-link to devo8

Category: Development

May have something to with write protection options....tried just flat erase? Replacement bootloader should in download section.
  • HappyHarry
  • HappyHarry's Avatar
24 Jun 2016 01:42 - 24 Jun 2016 01:44
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Category: Development

i actually ordered an stm32f103zet6 dev board, I've already flashed the u7e bootloader and loaded the usb drive on the computer to test functionality, but that's as far as I've got as I'm waiting for an lcd screen to arrive before I start trying anything else, I'm not the best at coding, most definitely a newb tbh, but I'm in no rush so however long it takes me to get deviation working with these 2 is no problem, it will be a nice learning experience: D

here's the dev board I bought

and the tft lcd
  • HappyHarry
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05 Jun 2016 14:27
Replied by HappyHarry on topic help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

although the third chip I (rdt6) tried turned out to have continuity errors the first two chips (rct6) i tried certainly didn't, I know for sure as I checked every last pin more than once, I'm now at the point of thinking the first batch of chips I had were faulty, what with the issue of how their properties didn't show properly in st's software and neither of the 2 I tried working, add that to the fact I've successfully done 4 more ult7e mods since the failure shows my methodology was good. so if you check for good continuity and find everything ok try ordering a new mcu from a reliable source and replacing it
  • PhracturedBlue
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05 Jun 2016 13:29
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

Please double check all the pins for good connection and no shorts. HappyHarry's 'problem' board was fine once all the pins were properly soldered down with no bridges.
  • silpstream
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01 Jun 2016 16:25 - 01 Jun 2016 16:31
Replied by silpstream on topic help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

That sounds like the problem HappyHarry had which we still haven't found a solution for.

If you have access to a usb-to-ttl device like a ftdi board, could you try to see if you can connect to the onboard bootloader via uart without boot0 connected to vcc? You'll need to use stm flash demonstrator for this. The pins are on the 4 pin dsc port on the right side of the main board. Counting from bottom up, pin 1 is tx, pin 3 is rx and pin 4 is ground. You'll need all 3. Also measure the voltage at the boot0 pin. Hopefully nothing is pulling it high and getting you stuck in the system bootloader.

[edit] One other thing is possibly to try pulling boot0 to ground through a resistor (maybe 4k7 or 10k?).[/edit]
  • martin88
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01 Jun 2016 15:38 - 01 Jun 2016 15:49
Replied by martin88 on topic help programing devo 7e

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

in real , when i connect Pin boot0 to 1 or do not connect , i still can load program ok , and then i remove jum boot0 .

even , i use power from usb stlink , it not change .
have crystal , but i use Osc to test signal , but not see Frequency .

i try load a other firmware for chip , it work with this program .But when i come back to load Bootloader , it don't work .

hard for me Hu hu hu
  • HappyHarry
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01 Jun 2016 12:43 - 01 Jun 2016 13:00
Replied by HappyHarry on topic help programing devo 7e

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

sorry you didn't mention it in the first post, this happened to me recently when i attempted an upgrade of the mcu in my 7e, the bootloader wrote to the chip fine but the tx would never power up, unfortunately i didn't have the skills to debug what was wrong so i can't help you any farther.

you may want to edit your post title as many will think you are asking for help setting up models, you should add 'bootloader' to the title
  • martin88
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01 Jun 2016 12:13 - 01 Jun 2016 12:14
Replied by martin88 on topic help programing devo 7e

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

HappyHarry wrote: you will most likely have burned out the voltage regulator i would have thought

i replaced it (voltage regulator ( and Mcu . I measure power MCU 3,3v now .

thisis photo after i loaded bootloader
  • martin88
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01 Jun 2016 11:21 - 01 Jun 2016 13:03
help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work was created by martin88

help programing bootloader devo 7e, it don't work

Category: Stock Firmware Help

Hi Guys

My Devo 7e burned in yesterday because i wrong power lipo and it short circuit .
I bought a chip Stm32f103rbt6 same stock devo 7e and a Stlink usb . i looking for on forum and i see file Bootloader devo 7e ( not devo 256k ). After load bootloader , the transmitter is still failed to power up, there is no crystal oscillation signal at the 8MHz crystal.
Anyone know this please help me .
  • goebish
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31 May 2016 11:09 - 31 May 2016 11:36
Replied by goebish on topic Flysky AFHDS 2A, protocol as used i10, i6, iT4,

Flysky AFHDS 2A, protocol as used i10, i6, iT4,

Category: Protocol Development

The update button is not used for binding, to my understanding it only resets the RX so it can enter bootloader mode for FW update over the air. (it connects reset pin of the MCU to GND when pressed).
  • john
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29 May 2016 11:07 - 29 May 2016 11:20
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

i just order a DEVO 7e to work , i hope it don"t """ no light , no sound , nothing "" after i load bootloader with Usb FTDI :(

about NT7538 , I read somewhere it compatient with NT7532 and ST7565, maybe don't need change code
A screen NT7532 worked with ER9X firmware , good new

""""NT7532 and NT7538 are register(software) compatible with ST7565 - it should work without any firmware modification.
However, 2.6" LCD may have different characteristics from the stock LCD.
That means LCD duty cycle/bias/contrast range may have to be adjusted if it shows a poor display characteristics
since those parameters in the firmware are tweaked for the stock LCD."""
  • john
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29 May 2016 01:40 - 29 May 2016 01:50
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

i don't know difference between flash bootloader by usb FTDI and a Stlink usb .
i still usually use FTDI to flash firmware for stm32 .

i will try with a usb stlink

happyharry " i see you say in page 4 """: no lights, no usb device appearing, nothing ""
. and then it work . So what your problem ? maybe i same you
  • HappyHarry
  • HappyHarry's Avatar
29 May 2016 01:26
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

can you flash the bootloader using a ftdi usb>serial, I thought you needed to use an stlink?

also in the 7e the display connexts to the main board using an 18pin header, and what I can see with a quick look only 8 pins are actually hooked up to anything, there may be a few more on the screen side on the main pcb that route to pins acually under the display though, but i can't see those
  • john
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29 May 2016 01:04
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

i set boot1= 0and boot0=1 when load bootloader and set boot1=1 and boot0=0 to run.

.connect direct to pin usb stm32 , still not change .
maybe i will borrow a tx devo to test
  • silpstream
  • silpstream's Avatar
28 May 2016 17:05 - 28 May 2016 19:16
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

That sounds about right. Only 3 things i can think of:
1) set boot1=1 and boot0=0
2) check that you are flashing to 0x08000000
3) try connecting directly to the usb port on your board, cause i can't tell which side of the 2 resistors the 2 pins d+ and d- connect to on your board.

You don't need to mimic EXT after the first time you flash the bootloader. It will drop to dfu if no firmware is loaded at 0x08003000.
  • john
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28 May 2016 14:07 - 28 May 2016 14:08
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

silpstream wrote: It's kind of hard to provide support when we don't know the board you are using or the steps you went through. Send us a link to the board as well as the specific software (stm32flash, stm flash demonstrator, etc) and firmware/bootloader, etc. Also how you wired ext (ext is on a matrix so just connecting pins won't work, although the bootloader should send you straight to dfu if no firmware is loaded). Whatever the case, more info from you will help us to figure things out.

I use Kit stm32f103rbt6 ,, a Usb FTDI .
I set boot0 =1 ( 3V3 ) Boot1=0 )
load bootloader 128k by Flash loader demontrate , choose 128k . instead 64k
Load ok , then i set boot0 = 0 . i connect wire pin C9 to B8 ( BUTTON MATRIX ) to create button EXT ,
connect 2 pin USB stm32f103 to USB, turn on power .My computer don't detect any new harware USB .
Then i use DFUSE , it also don't dectect devo 7 . e

i wonder , after load bootloader , devo can communication with computer ?
  • silpstream
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28 May 2016 14:03
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Actually i should have been clearer. If the walkera bootloader is flashed on the mcu without the firmware loaded, it will drop to dfu mode. No need to mimic the ext button. So after first soldering a new mcu in, on first powerup it will not go to dfu mode.

However for our dev board test, you might be bright that connecting the 2 relevant pins could work. I'll need to ponder on it a bit.
  • Cereal_Killer
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28 May 2016 13:54 - 28 May 2016 14:18
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

silpstream wrote: I think the flatflex you are refering to is part of the lcd (TG12864Z). It connects to the controller (NT7538) that supports 8-bit parallel and ssp...

Ah ok, makes perfect sense. I've never bothered removing my display from the back (er front) of my board so I didn't realize display and controller was 2 pieces (also the stock photo on buydisplays didn't show that).

silpstream wrote: although the bootloader should send you straight to dfu if no firmware is loaded).

Yesterday I finished my second u7e and got it running and neither booted in DFU mode the first time power was applied (I tried both times).

What would the trick be to temporarily make it look like the button matrix was there and EXT was held without actually building a matrix? I've never personally investigated devo's matrix, no need with the level of support you guys provide, but it should just take a diode between two pins right?
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