throttle activated timer for running total questio

07 Oct 2013 05:25 #14294 by Parkkert
Hello, I have on all my models a countdown timer as well as a running total timer that keeps track of how much a model has been flown, based on throttle stick movement above lowest position.
I also have a throttle safety switch set so the throttle will stay off in case I accidentally bump throttle etc. The thing is, when I have throttle safety switch set so when I move throttle nothing happens, the timers start anyway. Why does it do this and how can I make it so when throttle safety hold switch disables throttle it also disables the throttle triggered timers?

Thanks everyone for ideas.

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07 Oct 2013 05:36 #14295 by rbe2012
I use the timers in a similar way. To suppress running when throttle hold is active I don't use the throttle stick as input but the throttle channel (3 for Devo/Walkera, 1 for DSM2/X). When TH sets this to -100% the timers will not run.

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08 Oct 2013 03:24 #14314 by Parkkert
Thanks for the tip, that works perfect, though I did encounter a strange anomaly. All the DSM2/DSMX/ using CH1 worked fine set as you said.

The model with Devo using CH3 also worked fine as you said, only for some odd reason Timer 2 would not activate with CH3 set as switch. I simply used Timer 3 with same swittch (Ch3) and then it worked fine.... strange but kinda unrelated.

Anyway thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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08 Oct 2013 05:49 #14319 by rbe2012
Which tx and deviation version do you use? I would take a look if the timer2-behavior can be reproduced with the nightlies.
I use three timers per model, all controlled with the same switch (channel) and have never seen this (one timer for the battery - reset at every change, one for the heli and the third as permanent timer).

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08 Oct 2013 08:28 #14332 by Parkkert
I am using devo 10 transmitter with deviation version 3.0

On your 3 timers, the permanent is used to track each models accumulated time? That's how I do it, so I know how much time I have flying each particular model. The you have a timer set for heli. What type of timer is it? Is it for the heli battery or a permasnent timer to track total accumulated time on heli? If so then what does permanent timer track?

Sorry, I can be a bit thick at times, hope these questions make sense and thanks for reply.

3 timers is interesting but not 100% sure I follow you. I have timer 1 set as countdown for each models battery duration limit, to alert me to end the flight. Then I have a permanent timer as timer 2 which tracks the accumulated time so i know how much each model has been flown.

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08 Oct 2013 12:40 #14337 by rbe2012
The first and third timers are what you expect; the second if more a proof of concept than of any practical use: I try to keep an eye to the flight time (like counting used batteries) to give my heli a break to cool down after some time.
I just wanted to point out that I use timer 1-3 without any issues since a longer time on Devo12 and Devo8.
My config usually looks like this:


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08 Oct 2013 14:05 #14339 by rbe2012
Would you upload your model config (or post an extract with the timer sections) here?

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09 Oct 2013 00:23 #14363 by Parkkert
Here is config with model it had timer 2 issue with.

I just set timer 3 with exact same setting as I initially set up timer 2 with and it worked as expected. Don't know why timer 2 wouldn't cooperate.

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09 Oct 2013 04:09 #14366 by FDR
Well, your timer2 has no switch configured. However it has a reset switch !RUD DR0. BTW it is a permanent timer too...

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09 Oct 2013 05:44 #14371 by rbe2012
Only one permanent timer will work correctly. I would have to look into the code but I am quite sure that only the value from the last will be saved.
But they all should be running (on main screen if they are visible) when the switch is set to ch3.
The reset switch configured for timer2 will set the timer to 0 even if the switch condition (ch3) is true. So if your RUD DR switch is not at position 0 you will not see it running.

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09 Oct 2013 17:27 #14389 by matrixFLYER
Replied by matrixFLYER on topic throttle activated timer for running total questio
GREAT POST!! Thank you so, so much!!! I wanted this feature a lot but for laziness of asking (english is not my native language) I never asked about...:)

:) :) :) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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11 Oct 2013 15:34 #14502 by Parkkert
Yes, I have no switch configured for timer 2 because it wouldn't work so I made timer 3 have the function and left 2 out of the picture.
I wanted timer 2 to be permanent timer, but wouldn't work so I made 3 the permanent timer instead with what I thought were the exact same settings and it worked.

I am thinking perhaps if I had a reset switch for 2 and didnt realize it that may have been the issue as rbe2012 states below.

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12 Oct 2013 01:50 #14509 by shadow
You can also set up a vit channel and do a complex where when the safety switch is on then a flat line at zero. Just another option. I like this way because I also like for the timer to start a little after 0 throttle more around 10.

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