Changing protocol on a model

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14 Oct 2013 19:02 #14640 by
Changing protocol on a model was created by

When changing the protocol on a model I've experienced that the channels change according to the different protocols specifications. But the mixer data does not. Using the Devo protocol the Throttle is on channel 3 and using the DSM2 protocol the Throttle is on channel 1. If programming the Throttle with Devo protocol to be failsafe at -100 and then change protocol to DSM2 the failsafe does apply to channel 3 and not to channel 1 as it should. YES - I HAD AN ACCIDENT :) . Maybe this could be changed correcly in future releases so that the mixer settings follow the channel and not the order in the menues? Anyway - always check settings twice - especially the failsafe! I've read number of warnings about this subject - but I guess I had to get hit by the blades to really understand!!

I'm using the nightly build ddf6350 by the way.


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14 Oct 2013 19:50 #14645 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Changing protocol on a model
I have this on my agenda and will find a solution for this issue. But it will make an additional dialog necessary (confirmation by the user).

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27 Oct 2013 02:19 #15023 by dgross

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27 Oct 2013 11:59 #15036 by rbe2012
Replied by rbe2012 on topic Changing protocol on a model
Yes, the problem is the same and it is good understood, but it is not easy to resolve.
There is a method which is able to correct the difference caused by the protocol changes, but it is specialized for ch1-5. If any channel is used elsewhere (for timer, in the main page, as source for virtual channels) this is actually not corrected. This is the reason that you get safety warnings for the wrong channel after changing protocol and you always have ch3 in the big box of the standard main page and not the actual throttel channel.
We still have not found a good working way to change all values, wherever they are used...

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