Have some problem upgrading F12E

20 Feb 2017 04:28 #59353 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E

If you want to place the extracted files in a folder on your desktop called "fsPC" you have to add a backslash behind the foldername in the commandline (...\fsPC\ ).
When creating the new devo.fs file you also have to add this backslash to your input.

I assume the folder "fsPC" is already present on your desktop because these commandline inputs wont create this folder automatically.

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20 Feb 2017 05:51 #59354 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
oooh good eye M8A4X...Thank You... added backslash & still nothing in folder & no error message in CMDPrompt?... Yes I have 3 folders prepared... 1 for backup, 1 for modding storage, 1 for modded ready to flash/overwrite...
C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\buildfs.exe --fs H:\devo.fs --dir C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\fsBKUP\ -x (Extract Tx devo.fs to Backup Folder)

C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\buildfs.exe --fs H:\devo.fs --dir C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\fsPC\ -x (Extract Tx devo.fs to fsPC Folder for Note++ MOD)

C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\buildfs.exe --fs H:\devo.fs --dir C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\fsTx\ -c (Flash/Copy/Overwrite Modded devo.fs from fsTx Folder to Tx)

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20 Feb 2017 06:31 - 20 Feb 2017 09:44 #59355 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Hmm.. don't know if my DOS knowledge is that good but I think you have to change to the directory where buildfs.exe is located, try the following:

In your case if buildfs.exe is located in the "DEVIATION" folder on your desktop (and the command line starts like in your screenshot) you have to input: "cd desktop" confirmed by pressing enter, "cd deviation" confirmed by pressing enter
(in the commandline should now the following line displayed: "C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\")

and finally input "buildfs.exe --fs H:\devo.fs --dir C:\Users\JASON\Desktop\DEVIATION\fsBKUP\ -x"

The same goes for the create process.
Last edit: 20 Feb 2017 09:44 by M8A4X.

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20 Feb 2017 17:50 #59380 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Darn...no cigar. I see your logic here, really thought it was going to work. I wonder if I should relocate buildfs.exe & destination folder(s) to simplify things?

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20 Feb 2017 18:19 - 20 Feb 2017 18:20 #59381 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Your inputs seem ok. Not sure if the location of the devo.fs file makes a difference, at least it should not...

Just did a testrun, I placed the folders "buildfs", "soucre" and "target" into c:\temp\ and it worked well, take a look at the attached screenshot.

The "buildfs" folder only contains the buildfs.exe.
In the "soucre" folder I had copied the devo.fs file from the Transmitter.
Maybe it is better not to write directly to the TX?

The extracted files got successfully stored to the "target" folder.
Last edit: 20 Feb 2017 18:20 by M8A4X.

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20 Feb 2017 19:23 #59384 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Followed your footsteps...no extraction!...something else is going on here...maybe i should delete buildfs.exe and download again & maybe delete devo.fs & reflash Tx? although Tx firmware is working :P

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21 Feb 2017 02:56 #59390 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Hm, strange...

If the devo.fs is working on your TX then I would not think it is the problem. The TX is the first one to complain about a "bad" filesystem file.

What keeps me wondering is that you don't get ANY message from buildfs.exe. At least an errorcode would be expected.

You could try running the command promt as administrator. However, the places you have put your files on your PC don't require admin rights for access or are user accessible in general...

Try downloading the buildfs.exe once again.
I can also put mine as an attachment here when I get to my PC. You can also attach your model and protocol files and I will build the devo.fs for you, but that should not be a permanent solution because of future changes which require you to do this steps again.

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21 Feb 2017 04:08 #59393 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Removed buildfs.exe from computer... Downloaded fresh and this time my NortonAntivirus immediately quarantined it as a Trojan!...set AntiVirus to exclude buildfs.exe and downloaded fine, put in proper "buildfs" folder...thought it strange, maybe silent quarantine first time around and maybe it will work this time...NO...tried to extract devo.fs from Tx and from a copy in "source" folder...both came up empty and NO error messages...
Thank You for all your time and effort my friend, I would not feel comfortable asking you to build my file... To be honest this is my first go at deviation... been putting it off for quite some time waiting for the 'BUGS' to be worked out on the F12E & reading multiple threads along the way to prepare lol... I have 4 multirotors with Devo Rx which I should be able to configure from the Tx deviation menu & 3 micro quads with misc. Rx which I was wanting to add... I think the walkera radio should be auto-activated in the 4-in-1 module I installed...have not tested that yet...If I could enable the other 3 radios in my 4-in-1 maybe I can configure the micros from menu also? maybe i'm being optimistic haha...
'Ultimate 4MB Memory Mod' was recently created for F12E!!! should allow for standard deviation modding without buildfs.exe extraction method very soon :)

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21 Feb 2017 04:33 #59394 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Never mind!

It also happened to me to be lost with a seemingly unsolvable problem but for sure here are so many highly skilled people here willing to help.

However as we have a similar basis of TX hardware, would you mind attaching your files here,? I'd like to give it a try and build the file for you. If it works at least you would have your 4in1 module working for further testing of your crafts.
I would also need your setup regarding which protocol chip is attached to what connector on the TX mainboard (e.g. TMS to CC2500, TCK to ... , B3? to ...).

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21 Feb 2017 05:37 #59396 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
WOW!!! :D I do not have any build files constructed...actually not even sure where to begin...was going to try and get it all sorted after viewing extraction...do you have instruction on what I should prepare? sorry, I'm VERY new to Deviation :P
2500 = TCK (A14)
7105 = TMS (A13)
2401 = MCU Pin 89/PB3 (B3 ) hahaha... don't forget the space after the 3 ;)

Was going to search model files for:
Hubsan X107D
Eachine Tiny QX90 w/ Frsky Rx
Eachine E010
Not sure if they exist for F12E?

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21 Feb 2017 06:30 - 21 Feb 2017 06:31 #59397 by RubenRC
Replied by RubenRC on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Okay to start here is the run the commands:

This extracts the files and folders in FSDESINTATION Folder
*****Make sure your destination folder is created and empty*****

buildfs.exe --fs c:\devo\devo.fs --dir c:\devo\FSDESTINATION -x

This creates the Devo.fs file
buildfs.exe --fs c:\devo\devo.fs --dir c:\devo\FSDESTINATION -c

So to make things easy I have a folder in the my C:\ <==== root directory
So I have a folder called devo in my C:\

Now in your devo folder you will need to have your devo.fs file for extraction to the FSDESTINATION folder.

After I create a good devo.fs file and it works I usually archive my FSDESTINATION folder and create a new one for testing before I delete the archive

That should hopefully clear up the process.

Mavic Pro | ARFun 95 | KingKon Tiny7 | Beeductrix | Inductrix FPV | Nano QX2
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Last edit: 21 Feb 2017 06:31 by RubenRC.

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21 Feb 2017 07:01 #59400 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
@ RubenRC
I Simplified my folder layout similar to yours for ease of command entry: I placed 3 folders "buildfs", "source" and "target" into c:\temp\ ...
-My Tx connects to PC as drive H:
-The "buildfs" folder only contains the buildfs.exe
-I copied the devo.fs file from the Tx to "source" and attempted to extract to "target" with no success, no errors popped up
-Attempted to extract H:devo.fs to "target" folder with no success, no errors popped-up BUT no extraction

I added a screenshot of my command entries...
Any insight as to what I may be doing wrong???

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21 Feb 2017 07:25 #59402 by RubenRC
Replied by RubenRC on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
that should work but is your devo.fs file in your c:\temp\source directory for extraction?

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21 Feb 2017 14:34 #59408 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
yes, I copied & pasted it there from the Tx.

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21 Feb 2017 17:38 - 21 Feb 2017 17:39 #59411 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Well, I just took the devo.fs from the latest nightly build and entered the exact same commands like written before.
Attached you can find a screenshot of the commands. It worked and the extracted hardware.ini is matched to your connections of the 4in1 module.

You can find the built devo.fs attached (you need to unzip it as I canĀ“t attach the file with *.fs extension).

Of course no models are included, but at least this should give you access to all modules.

But it is still strange that you could not build it by yourself...
Last edit: 21 Feb 2017 17:39 by M8A4X.

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22 Feb 2017 01:15 #59430 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
YESSS! Thank You M8A4X! Feelin' the love of the Worldwide Deviation Brotherhood!... will load to Tx and let you know how it goes... the grounded NO FPV nervous twitch was going to start setting in soon lol... zip was brilliant, was wondering how you were going to attach an fs file :P ... unable to extract is very strange indeed, I attached some screenshots to show my commands, folder locations & devo.fs existance... Tried multiple commands with capital & lower case backslash no backslash, CMD Prompt definitely gives an error if syntax is wrong or Tx is off while extracting...Using Win 7 with multiple nicknamed drives so C: OPER SYST & PROGS should still be recognized as C: ... leaning towards an issue with buildfs.exe not actually running? I wonder if I need to update Java or something to allow the App buildfs.exe to perform it's task? I guess trying all this on another computer would be my next step...just thinking out loud... Thanks Again!!!

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22 Feb 2017 01:23 #59432 by RubenRC
Replied by RubenRC on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Ah I see what your doing now. Honestly I don't think using the transmitter folder to do the extraction will work. Since there is no space there to create a temp folder while buildfs.exe opening and extracting the files before they are moved to your target directory.

I'll try that on mine. I usually just copy the devo.fs file from my TX to a local folder and manipulate the file there. I don't think java is the issue. I use windows 10 and the only reason I had to install java was for the DfuSe .

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22 Feb 2017 02:09 #59437 by SeekerOfYaw
Replied by SeekerOfYaw on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E

Copied your devo.fs file to Tx...Began set-up on 2 of my custom racers and rebooted... all settings saved properly!... vid signal is good!...have not tried to bind yet but No Fear!...You my friend are a CHAMPION! check this attachment out, worked first try!!! not sure what was corrupt in original devo.fs file BUT ALL GOOD NOW!!! :D ;) B) now to set-up my 4 customs & learn how to BUILD/MOD w/ Notepad++ for my BNF micros :P ...1 Tx TO RULE THEM ALL!!!...hope sometime soon I will be able to help other noobs as you have helped me... thanks again for ALL your time & effort

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22 Feb 2017 03:21 #59439 by M8A4X
Replied by M8A4X on topic Have some problem upgrading F12E
Glad it worked now on your PC!!!

So the only change was that you used as source the devo.fs file I previously attached to my post here? I tried both ways, copied the devo.fs from a freshly formatted and installed nightlybuild from my F12E (copied it to my PC, I did not let buildfs.exe read it straight from the TX) and also took the devo.fs straight out of the downloaded nightlybuild.zip file. Both worked.

By the way, the command promt does not care about drivenames given in windows (in your case OPER SYST & PROGS), it only cares about drive letters. Also capital letters do not matter (at least in DOS, e.g. linux is another story...).

Either way im glad it worked finally!

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