Devo 7E Emulator - Menus don't display correctly

25 May 2013 16:57 - 25 May 2013 17:22 #10297 by Tom Z
I have been using the Devo 8 & 10 emulators both versions 2 & 3 to make models to post on this site. I want to try the Devo 7E emulator again. When it first came out I couldn't get the menus to display correctly.

I just tried the current nightly builds of the emulator and file system but I can't get the menus to display correctly with these versions either.

I included some screen shots of the current nightly build of the emulator and file system.
Last edit: 25 May 2013 17:22 by Tom Z.

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25 May 2013 17:36 #10299 by rbe2012
It looks as if something is wrong with the file system. You should have a folder "filesystem" contasinint "devo10" ind therein "models", "media", ...
If the mmedia directory is not present (there are the font files inside) you get this USB symbol (to point you to an unformatted USB filesystem when you connect a real Devo to your pc).

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26 May 2013 04:59 - 26 May 2013 05:00 #10311 by vlad_vy
Rename devo7e folder to Devo10

Last edit: 26 May 2013 05:00 by vlad_vy.

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27 May 2013 14:15 #10344 by Tom Z
Thanks rbe2012 and vlad_vy.
Renaming the devo7e folder to Devo10 worked.

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