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  • silpstream
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28 May 2016 13:21
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

It's kind of hard to provide support when we don't know the board you are using or the steps you went through. Send us a link to the board as well as the specific software (stm32flash, stm flash demonstrator, etc) and firmware/bootloader, etc. Also how you wired ext (ext is on a matrix so just connecting pins won't work, although the bootloader should send you straight to dfu if no firmware is loaded). Whatever the case, more info from you will help us to figure things out.
  • john
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28 May 2016 11:22 - 28 May 2016 11:24
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

silpstream wrote:

john wrote: i loaded bootloader with usb FTDI . then i connect wire to creat button EXT , and connect STM32 TO usb , but DFUSE can not dectect . What problem ?

Could you clarify what you are trying to do? Did you upgrade the processor in your 7e already? Or are you trying to get deviationtx running on a development board?

i make a Devo 7e on development board and i bought eprom 25f16 ( same orginal Devo 7e ). i use bootloader 128k . if it work , i will update stm32f1o3vet6 with boodloar 256k
  • silpstream
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28 May 2016 11:04
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

john wrote: i loaded bootloader with usb FTDI . then i connect wire to creat button EXT , and connect STM32 TO usb , but DFUSE can not dectect . What problem ?

Could you clarify what you are trying to do? Did you upgrade the processor in your 7e already? Or are you trying to get deviationtx running on a development board?
  • john
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28 May 2016 10:30
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

i loaded bootloader with usb FTDI . then i connect wire to creat button EXT , and connect STM32 TO usb , but DFUSE can not dectect . What problem ?
  • silpstream
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27 May 2016 19:43 - 27 May 2016 19:44
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Wow! You guys have gotten active. I just got back from work and finally have a chance to log in. NICE!!!

Cereal_Killer wrote: Ok guys got this together so far.

Right now I'm waiting on my 7E display so I can make an eagle part for the 30-pin ZIF connector to add it right on the board. Also gotta add the flash pads and better labeling. Price is ~$5/board.

One word "awesome". Once you get it sorted I'll order it!

john wrote: Screen lcd TFT was supported ? if not yet , i hope see it soon ,i can buy it easy at Vietnam.

About OLED , i saw Sadsack Diy a Devo with it, maybe he changed code

Devo 6/8 use TFT so yes it is supported. I had read that there were little or no changes to code to get the OLED working.

HappyHarry wrote: thanks for the links bud, does that screen use the same controller as the devo6/8?

As far as I can tell from the code, Devo6 and AT9 can use ILI9341. The drivers are already in there so it should be okay. As for the SPI touch controller, I can't really tell yet, but the data sheets seem close enough. We should be able to get that sorted.

Cereal_Killer wrote: Can we talk about the power switch real quick...

Usb mini or micro (I prefer micro, is that OK with people or should I keep it mini like the devo line)?

Use the $10 devo display you can only find with MOQ=1 at one place or the same price SPI OLED you can get anywhere? Oled is ~1" smaller but same pixle count technically.

I'm inclined to go with a hard power switch if we can (PB has said as much). Basically, I was toying with using the onboard UART bootloader in the 7e. The soft power control really throws a wrench into things cause I can't use that with the UART BL, I need to physically short the power bypass even if I can do a reboot to BL. Having a hard power switch could fix that and we can use a usb->serial board to upload if needed.

I'd like to suggest that you may want to have the usb as a separate breakaway board that can be routed to a convenient place instead of it being on the board itself. That would make it easier to upgrade without opening. The board could have mini pads on one side and micro pads on the other, then we could choose.

If this is a board for modding other BNF controllers, perhaps the OLED works well, as it is smaller and easier to get hold of and shoehorn into the other TXs. Either way, the original LCD is a SPI interface, so the pins would be available whichever way we choose.

If you are taking other suggestions, I'd like to suggest that the pins be repositioned for ease of wiring. There are a few that we would never reassign such as gimbal pots, buttons, trims etc. These could go to a section of the board that keeps wiring neat. The pots would need some sort of RC filter and 3v3/GND and the buttons/trims have some pull-ups.

Getting excited just thinking about it. Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to try, I still have a RET6 board and OLED that can be repurposed from other defunct projects. Can't wait. :P
  • victzh
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27 May 2016 16:18
Replied by victzh on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Theoretically - yes. The bootloader is in the ROM so it's always available. I did not try it myself though, so can't say for sure.
  • john
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27 May 2016 15:41
Replied by john on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

hi guys
i still can use a usb interface FTDI to load bootloader for devo instead use a USB Stlink ?
  • dc59
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26 May 2016 03:34
Replied by dc59 on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

PhracturedBlue wrote: sure if you want to. Note that you do need to install a bootloader before you'll be able to do anything with it since the new chip won't include one. That will require you to have an STLink or equivalent for programming.

Thanks PB, I have studied silpstream's tutorial for many times, I think I can do it, STLink is ready . :lol:
  • PhracturedBlue
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26 May 2016 00:55
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

dc59 wrote: My 2 7E is heading to MCU upgrade, I found one guy have over 10 years SMD component soldering experience,
he told me that is easy for him, it will back on next week, hope I can finish all upgrade procedure successfully.

Another stupid question, after 256k upgeade, I can still install 128k build without problem, is it correct?

sure if you want to. Note that you do need to install a bootloader before you'll be able to do anything with it since the new chip won't include one. That will require you to have an STLink or equivalent for programming.
  • PhracturedBlue
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24 May 2016 03:08
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Category: General Discussions

I got my i6s today. I have to say the stock firmware is atrocious. I wasn't expecting a touch screen, so that is nice. The fact that all of the sticks are spring-loaded is annoying. I can't tell what the shoulder dials do, but they are also spring loaded. As a plus, with an STM32072, there is no need for a bootloader, so we can use the entire 128kb, and in theory it should be easy to program with the stock DfuSe utils. It has 2 buttons on the back as well. To turn it on you must hold both left and right power buttons. I'm not sure if they can operate independently once it is powered on. I haven't done a b&w touch screen before, it will be interetsing to try. I won't have a chance to play with it right away to see what we can do though.
  • silpstream
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20 May 2016 04:33
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Both work fine. The modified bootloader will limit all of them to 244k or so. If we run out of space PB might look at modifying it again, but if that happens the u7e won't be the only tx to have problems then. :blink:

So take your pick. There are no immediate advantages to either.
  • Cereal_Killer
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17 May 2016 11:43 - 17 May 2016 11:57
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Ultimate7e tutorial: Processor upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Just want to say thank you man. I was never worried about the soldering (I have a hot air rework station and have reflowed other 44 and 64-pin TQFP chips before and even QFN's) but learning to build from source and even flashing the bootloader just isn't something I have time to do so that's why I never looked into it further on my own. Your threads are 100% the reason I even took on such a project. Again thank you for all your work, I know it's not easy to put together ONE well-written turorial, you've gave us 3 very well organized tutorials not only with text walk-threws but pics and screen shots of each step too!
  • silpstream
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17 May 2016 10:33
Replied by silpstream on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Adding 2 potentiometers

Ultimate7e tutorial: Adding 2 potentiometers

Category: Tutorials

Cereal_Killer wrote: Hello SlipStream, on this page your link to PB's 256k bootloader is not working for me. Where can I find a copy?

Edit: I was able to find it here so I'm good but note I even tried clearing my catch and the link still didnt work, it throws a strange looking error, just FYI.

Thanks for the heads up! I've corrected the links.
  • Cereal_Killer
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17 May 2016 00:10 - 17 May 2016 00:32
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic Ultimate7e tutorial: Adding 2 potentiometers

Ultimate7e tutorial: Adding 2 potentiometers

Category: Tutorials

Hello SlipStream, on this page your link to PB's 256k bootloader is not working for me. Where can I find a copy?

Edit: I was able to find it here so I'm good but note I even tried clearing my catch and the link still didnt work, it throws a strange looking error, just FYI.
  • PhracturedBlue
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13 May 2016 16:19
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Category: General Discussions

Also it has no divider which impact performance quite a bit. Still, the work we're doing for the AT-9/AT10 may make that viable anyway. It does have an on-board USB bootloader though, so at least that is a plus.
  • silpstream
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13 May 2016 08:34 - 13 May 2016 09:31
Replied by silpstream on topic Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Replacement for the DEVO series for the future

Category: General Discussions

I was searching around and stumbled on this sweet looking tx from flysky. The FS-i6S for $65 on BG ( ).

Couldn't find much information about its' internals, but watching a video of removing the spring did provide some hints. It seems to have a 100 pin ST ARM processor, and the way the RF module is soldered in, might suggest a SPI interface. There also seem to be a lot of test pads broken out, so soldering to them may be easier if those points are usable. It has USB and is supposed to be upgradable, so possibly stock bootloader if it is one of the usb, not uart, bootloader enabled chips from ST??? With the top 2 rotatable (not rotary) switches and the 2 power buttons, we would have 6 switches for the menu similar to our demo transmitters. Lastly it has a nice complement of switches (two 2-way, 2-3way, 2 rotatable on the shoulders, and 2 momentary buttons on the rear) and looks really clean, with a B/W touch screen interface.

For the price and if the processor is any good. We might have a winner. I'd take this over the radiolink any day if it ran deviation.

  • PhracturedBlue
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09 May 2016 00:45
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

The internal bootloader on the 103 series is serial based, not USB accessible. You would need to open your transmitter every time you wanted to reprogram, or add a switch to the boot pads. It really makes no sense to save 16kB for the work needed. it may make sense for the 7e, but I don't really want to support multiple bootloader solutions.
  • Richard96816
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09 May 2016 00:33
Replied by Richard96816 on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

The bootloader on one of my 7e's got trashed when I first tried to load Deviation and needed to be reloaded. It was a little messy.

I guess I really like the idea of a bootloader in ROM. Especially when it's already built in. :-)
  • HappyHarry
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09 May 2016 00:08 - 09 May 2016 00:11
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

I'd understand putting the effort into this for a stock 7e where saving the 12k of the added bootloader would be very welcome, but with the ult7e where the 256k (well all of the upgraded chips really with the current bootloader) chips have ~60k free space with deviation and the bootloader loaded I can't see a good reason for it. if it were just some code changes then yeah, but when your talking adding another usb header which will need soldering to mcu pins and mounted somewhere accessable, or cutting the traces to the existing chip and jumpering to them etc it's a bit much for little gain imo. if your worried about space then use the 384k or 512k chip instead of the 256k one and hack the bootloader to enable the extra space they provide, gaining 128-256k of space is a much better return for the effort imo
  • Richard96816
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08 May 2016 23:49
Replied by Richard96816 on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Category: Builds

Thanks, Mike. I do recall the bootloader discussion. Being compatible across the Devo line is desirable. But using the built-in loader would probably save a lot of effort for those wanting to use the extra space in the more capacious chips. No need to support the LCD just for loading, the computer display should be enough.

Seems a shame to have a free, built-in, bullet-proof, permanent loader on the chip and not use it.

Connected to the existing USB would be great. But adding another connector seems trivial when you're already switching out cpu chips. And Walkera compatibility is probably history at that point anyway.
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