Deviation for Devo F4?

02 May 2017 00:59 - 02 May 2017 01:08 #61918 by MaxQrc
Replied by MaxQrc on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
'If one takes things personal, one gets emotional. If one gets emotional things tend to get out of hand.'

'Worth' is decided individually by everyone himself. It is also no fixed opinion. It can change in a second. For one something might be worth for someone else not. As well there are many greyshades in between the two. Like here in the forum. The people here they normally come because they find it more or less worth to use their time and energy for this hobby. Some are also not sure/have not decided yet and come to find out if it's worth for them or not. Some they find out through challenging others some through silent reading or through asking. Others eg many wifes of the people who come here don't find it very much worth :p, that's why they focus their energies and attention on something else. (maybe some wifes come here to find arguments that it's not worth spending hours and hours in the Internet and mancave on modding something where else you could just... :rolleyes: :D) Nevertheless it is very normal and common to talk to each other if something is worth or not eg husband and wife discusses (or attempts to) if it's worth to buy a new car or TV or maybe nowadays even a race or gimbal quad! ;) :D... But well back for me to the f4! :)

@sir wish you success with the eeprom bug! :) hopefully it solves all the error issues! From where did you get that bug from? Maybe consider to record your brave exploration of new territory!? Someone would be interested to see that. ;) but no pressure, it can imagine it might be a bit difficult to film working on something such tiny.
Last edit: 02 May 2017 01:08 by MaxQrc.

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02 May 2017 05:01 #61923 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Just scroll a few pages back, there is a link which eeprom is suitable and howbto exchange it.

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02 May 2017 05:11 #61924 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

tbsdiscovery wrote: Hi guys, I am totally new to this so apologies if this sounds stupid. I have done so much reading but my knowledge is still limited (I sense I have a long way to go!). I have a tbs discovery drone with Naza, and I've been offered an f4 cheap.

Can I use the 4 channels for basic flight functions (yaw, pitch, roll, throttle), then trims as virtual switches to control:

Flight change mode (manual/atti/atti+gps)
Flight change mode (off/course lock/home lock)
Failsafe (sure I read somewhere this can be configured to just turning the controller off?)

Is this likely to be a fairly reliable setup now?

Eventually I would like to add a gimbal that will move in one axis - at this point I will consider soldering a new switch in as discussed earlier in this thread.

If it is possible, what receiver would be a good choice to do this? I apologise for all the questions, I just seem to be spending hours and hours reading and I'm not getting anywhere! I know I would be better off with an f7, but it's 3 times the price and I'm on a very tight budget.

Thanks very much, any help hugely appreciated!!

With Deviation, you have all channels that are available vor the protocol you choose/the receiver supports. If you don't want to put another radio module in, consider buying a dsm2/dsmx/Devo receiver. You can use the throttle/rudd trim to switch things, eg altitude hold/level/horizon/whatever.

Note the known devo.fs bug, sometimes modelfile things can get lost - without the memory mod the tx does not always run,stable if you ever 'store' changes onto the tx.

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02 May 2017 07:45 #61930 by tbsdiscovery
Replied by tbsdiscovery on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Thank you so much for your quick and informative response SirDomsen. So the memory mod is fairly essential? I only want to use it with the one model. Can you just clarify what you mean by storing changes on the tx?

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02 May 2017 10:12 #61931 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Well in my case, I set up a model file the normal way. Once stored, I extract devo.fs and reflash devo.fs to the F4. You can use it the normal way then, but don't change anything in the model,file e.g. trims or something. I cannot clearly say when the devo.fs got corrupted, but most likely when I trimmed the model in level mode the usual way via trims. So in conclusion once trimmed, extracted and reflashed devo.fs everything seemed to work fine until the F4 tries to store something to the model file, like changed trims, constant timer or something like that. Exchanging the flash chip seems to be doable, it has 8 legs only but I haven't tried yet. The chip is already lying here, so once done, I'll report back (devo.fs is no longer needed then, everything will be stored in the flash chip, like on other devos, too)

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02 May 2017 11:11 #61932 by MaxQrc
Replied by MaxQrc on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

SirDomsen wrote: Well in my case, I set up a model file the normal way. Once stored, I extract devo.fs and reflash devo.fs to the F4. You can use it the normal way then, but don't change anything in the model,file e.g. trims or something. I cannot clearly say when the devo.fs got corrupted, but most likely when I trimmed the model in level mode the usual way via trims. So in conclusion once trimmed, extracted and reflashed devo.fs everything seemed to work fine until the F4 tries to store something to the model file, like changed trims, constant timer or something like that. Exchanging the flash chip seems to be doable, it has 8 legs only but I haven't tried yet. The chip is already lying here, so once done, I'll report back (devo.fs is no longer needed then, everything will be stored in the flash chip, like on other devos, too)

Sounds great! :) Hopefully that mod makes this tx as usable as any other Devo!

Thanks, I will look for that post a few pages back you mentioned.

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09 May 2017 21:11 - 09 May 2017 21:12 #62200 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
I recently did the memory replacement mod. Took about 20min, the legs have to be bent down a little bit, but then, soldering is easy. For removement of the old chip, either use a huge solder blop on each side or - what I did - sort of hot air gun (ERSA gas soldering iron with hot air tip).

Once done, I flashed vlad_vy's 4MB version. After that, there shows a 4MB USB drive up while plugged into a PC - like on any other Devo. I assume Devo.fs problems are gone now.

Thanks vlad_vy for putting those 4MB versions up and keeping them up to date!

Also I note that a few screen size bugs are gone now. Cool! Let me know if I can do further developmental help (I can't code myself, but am willing to test all stuff you want me to ;) )
Last edit: 09 May 2017 21:12 by SirDomsen.

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17 Jun 2017 22:23 #63038 by tbozo
Replied by tbozo on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
I know it might not be the right place to post but it's surely where there is the most hackers and lovers of the F4 :)
I'd like to test the deviation for my F4, but in the mean time I have what I think a RF module problem, my range is around 40cm. I was wondering if using a 4 in 1, 3 in 1 or even just replace the part would solve the problem. Is there a way to be sure this is the problem ? I've seen some people having the problem but never saw a response wether it solves their problem or not.
Besides all the modules I see does not explicitly says that they are compatible with the F4. Which one should I use ? And do you know good places to buy it ? (BTW I'm in France). I've seen some explanation where soldering the module was involved, but it seems that it's only plugged (except for a wire on the upper right)
BTW should I change the antenna (right now I'm only using a ladybird)


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18 Jun 2017 09:43 #63039 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
you're talking,about the range of the stock F4 module, using stock firmware and Devo protocol? If so, have you checked any other rc model than the ladybird? If not, make sure the antenna of the ladybird is correctly soldered as it's more likely that the problem is caused by the receiver...

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20 Jun 2017 12:00 #63052 by tbozo
Replied by tbozo on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Thanks for the reply. µYes for the moment I'm still using stock F4 module, stock firmware and Devo protocol.
I only have ladybirds (probably 2 are still in working order) I don't remember if I've tried with the other one as my latest tests are quite a long time ago.
I'll try this evening and let you know. I will feel ashamed if it's that simple :whistle:

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21 Jun 2017 20:57 #63080 by tbozo
Replied by tbozo on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Test done the 2 ladybird gives me poor range, after the binding with the first one if I move more than 30cm I loose the signal with the other it's 10cm only.
I've checked the antenna of the devo and it seems OK.
Should I try to change the RF module ? Stock replacement or 4 in 1 ? if so can you point out some as they're almost never advertised as F4 compatible.

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21 Jun 2017 21:37 #63081 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Strange. Perhaps you accidentally put down the RF signal output strength? I'd try a new 4 channel model for testing purposes first. Assuming that not both ladybirds have defective/loose antennas, It otherwise should have to do with the RF module in your F4 indeed. Are you planning to deviate your F4? If not, a 4in1 makes no sense. If so, you can follow the modding section of the Devo7e. It's very similar and F4 is similar to other Fseries Devos. You may also consider the flash exchange. Devo F4 is quite unusable with the Devo.FS filesystem as it seems to be a little buggy.

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22 Jun 2017 20:21 #63093 by tbozo
Replied by tbozo on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
I've spoke to a guy at work who knows about RF he told me I could have fried my amp due to a bad antenna. maybe if I change the module I should buy a new antenna also.
I'll probably deviate my F4 but I'd like to be sure that everything is OK first, before adding other potential problems...
Are modules compatible with the devo 7e OK for F4 ? I think it must have the telemetry right ?
Even if I do not deviate a 4 in 1 module should work right ? or maybe I can find a stock module.
The module seems to be plugged and not soldered as in the 7e.
If I put a 4 in 1 I need to get some wire to different points to have other protocols but will it work for devo protocol without doing any wiring ?

About changing the flash chip, is it necessary ? Right now I won't use more protocols and I have very few models...


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22 Jun 2017 21:17 #63095 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Understood. I,think you're right in,your thinking. You may want to read through or at least skim the whole thread to understand what the F4 is capable,of and how to do it.

I'm aware of the possibility you only fried the,rf amp, just google for a cyrf module, (or ask for one here in,forums, perhaps someone who replaces his module with a 4in1 has the original,one just laying around)

Putting in a 4in1 module is a waste of money imho if you don't want to deviate it. If you want, you also want to swap,the memory chip,because otherwise you always have to be afraid that you lose something that you programmed in your model,files suddenly (it's descripted somewhere in this thread).

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04 Jul 2017 21:20 #63293 by tbozo
Replied by tbozo on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Just to tell that thanks to the forum I found a module which was shipped way faster than if it was sent from china.
After installation my range problem vanished :cheer:
Now that I get my devo back to normal, I'll try to deviate. I might buy another devo to do my tests...
About the memory chip change do you have more info ? I've checked the thread but haven't found a lot of info except your posts, but I might have not seen everything in the thirty pages or so...

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04 Jul 2017 21:30 #63294 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Look here:

It is very very similar to the Mod of the F12e

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02 Sep 2017 04:53 #64115 by RubenRC
Replied by RubenRC on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Hey everyone, question how do. Get dsmx to work? I've got a F7 and loaded it already but dsmx was missing. I pulled it from the latest build zip and added it to my dfu file now I can bind to dsmx but the controls are crazy wrong. I fixed them but I can't arm or fly my beebrain. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't flown in 2 months I've asked in a few other forums but never got a response. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Mavic Pro | ARFun 95 | KingKon Tiny7 | Beeductrix | Inductrix FPV | Nano QX2
DEVO F12E | Devo F7

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02 Sep 2017 06:20 #64122 by thwaitm
Replied by thwaitm on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
RubenRC, mate, you're totally off topic asking an F7 setup question in an F4 development thread. You'll have far better chance of response if you ask your question elsewhere on this forum.
Create a new thread clearly titled F7 dsmx setup and ask there. You probably want to state your issue more clearly too. Is it that you just can't arm ? (Have you taken your props/blades off?)
Once you've created a new post, edit the post above and link to it.

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02 Sep 2017 07:43 #64129 by RubenRC
Replied by RubenRC on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Tell me about it. Sorry I wasn't trying to upset anyone. I honestly try to contribute. But in the correct forum there is a user who I did directly message never responded. But he did mention that someone in this forum helped him. Also the F4 and F7 are similar. Not identical.

I just am looking for confirmation. Did I enable dsmx correctly? If so then I'll figure out my arming issue.

Mavic Pro | ARFun 95 | KingKon Tiny7 | Beeductrix | Inductrix FPV | Nano QX2
DEVO F12E | Devo F7

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03 Sep 2017 11:01 #64141 by SirDomsen
Replied by SirDomsen on topic Deviation for Devo F4?
Ruben, if you get response from your quad's receiver (assuming betaflight config?)and it bound cprrectly then everything concerning Deviation an DSMX is fine. You just need to assign the channels correctly in betaflight, also the arming procedure/switch. For further questions, you probably better ask in betaflight forums, as it seems to be a config issue then.

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