
07 Feb 2021 13:33 #77209 by Corrado-c
expressLRS was created by Corrado-c
Hello!! I'm not sure I've got the right place,
anyway I was looking with interest expressLRS,
i tried to make one with ttgo lora and r900mini, it works very well and is fast.
Now it's on openTX, naively I thought it could work on deviationTX too because the beautiful and fantastic job with crossfire (expresslrs uses CRSF), I tried with T8SGV2 +.

Surely you have already taken a look, is there a possibility that it could work somehow?
I think it would be great.

thanks for the great work!!

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08 Feb 2021 12:47 - 08 Feb 2021 12:48 #77214 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS
I don't know if it is useful to anyone but I did this test:

the TX and RX modules are already configured and binded, I connected the module to pin 2 and 3 of T8SGV2+ for power supply and the remainder to 5 directly, without performing the hardware modification of the crossfire;
it is not necessary since I do not have the required position
or Is essential do i have to connect 1 and 5 together?
(I already have the modification for R9)
Last edit: 08 Feb 2021 12:48 by Corrado-c.

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08 Feb 2021 15:19 - 08 Feb 2021 15:20 #77215 by belrik
Replied by belrik on topic expressLRS

Corrado-c wrote: I don't know if it is useful to anyone but I did this test:

the TX and RX modules are already configured and binded, I connected the module to pin 2 and 3 of T8SGV2+ for power supply and the remainder to 5 directly, without performing the hardware modification of the crossfire;
it is not necessary since I do not have the required position
or Is essential do i have to connect 1 and 5 together?
(I already have the modification for R9)

If you have made the module then you should know which pins are used for PXX? I think that the crossfire mod is just to send PXX from PIN1 to PIN5. If crsf protocol is used I would assume that the hardware mode is needed for both if you are using PXX to send the signal. But the hardware mod is reversable so try and see? Just cut PIN1 (top pin) to break PIN1 connection and send that signal to to PIN5 which is not-connected by default.
Check this picture
Last edit: 08 Feb 2021 15:20 by belrik.

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08 Feb 2021 16:01 - 08 Feb 2021 16:02 #77216 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS

belrik wrote:
If you have made the module then you should know which pins are used for PXX?

yes yes, obviously on the module side I know what the pins communication are (with radiomaseter it works),
I was talking about the pins on the radio side t8sgv2 +, (I considered the numbering starting from lower: 2gnd, 3vcc ecc, am I wrong? the number 1 is upper, 3vcc, 4gnd?)
Anyway, in summary:
I tried to connect the comunication pin ELRS module to the TOP PIN (obviously in addition to vcc and gnd), so that I don't have to do the crossfire mod (jump 1 to 5), so I don't have to remove the mod for R9, but not it worked.

Tonight I will try to remove the modification for R9 (if it works I will put a switch to select R9 or eLRS),
but i think the problem is of FW compatibility, not a simple connection.

When you talk about PXX you have put me in doubt, do you talk about the PXX protocol to select in the radio? or the communication pin? (I guess the communication pin because the protocol is CRSF)
Last edit: 08 Feb 2021 16:02 by Corrado-c.

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08 Feb 2021 16:23 - 08 Feb 2021 16:25 #77217 by AlessandroAU
Replied by AlessandroAU on topic expressLRS

ExpressLRS will already work on deviation but ONLY on ESP32 hardware (eg TTGO). This is because AFAIK at least on my T8SGv2 the CRSF output is inverted. ESP32 can handle this, but R9M running ELRS can not.

in user_defines.txt you must comment out "-DUART_INVERTED" ie make it "#-DUART_INVERTED" and then configure a model as CRSF and connect the signal wire to the top pin (or bottom pin if you've done the CRSF mod)
Last edit: 08 Feb 2021 16:25 by AlessandroAU.

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08 Feb 2021 17:59 #77218 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS

AlessandroAU wrote: Hi,

ExpressLRS will already work on deviation but ONLY on ESP32 hardware (eg TTGO). This is because AFAIK at least on my T8SGv2 the CRSF output is inverted. ESP32 can handle this, but R9M running ELRS can not.

in user_defines.txt you must comment out "-DUART_INVERTED" ie make it "#-DUART_INVERTED" and then configure a model as CRSF and connect the signal wire to the top pin (or bottom pin if you've done the CRSF mod)

Yes!!!! it works!!!!
thanks AlessandroAU

obviously i can't change anything and the menus are blank.

so the same ttgo module i couldn't use it on 2 different radios without reflash.
especially R9 with eLRS which doesn't even have the ability to invert the signal.
So it would be enough that on the deviation to add a voice to invert the signal?

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09 Feb 2021 18:38 #77230 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic expressLRS
maybe some developer could support uart invert for the external module bay? Or make it is option in te CRSF sttings. As it is F3 it should be possible, also R9 module works find in the bay ?
Or the CRSF part to be cloned, called ELRS and could also support the power and refresh settings.
Maybe there are still deviation freaks out here, or all moved OtX?

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12 Feb 2021 15:32 #77239 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS

Fernandez wrote: maybe some developer could support uart invert for the external module bay? Or make it is option in te CRSF sttings. As it is F3 it should be possible, also R9 module works find in the bay ?
Or the CRSF part to be cloned, called ELRS and could also support the power and refresh settings.
Maybe there are still deviation freaks out here, or all moved OtX?

Original R9M works on T8SGV2 +, (for telemetry needs a small modification)

Maybe the developers of the night can implement this function with a few lines.
Let's hope!
Unfortunately I don't know how to program, otherwise I would have gladly helped.

DeviationTX is still very good! and an open protocol like ELRS would do us just fine

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25 Feb 2021 14:46 #77274 by yammahoppy
Replied by yammahoppy on topic expressLRS
This Happy Model ExpressLRS module does not list the Jumper T8 as a compatible radio. Can some one take a look and se if it will work with the T8sg's???

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01 Mar 2021 07:52 #77282 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic expressLRS
The crossfire csrf protocol, should works for ELRS, however it uart is1:1.
While the Frsky r9 flashed to ELRS (and Happymodel clones) should get csrf protocol uart inverted. (Similar to Deviation PXX output, which works with R9)

So technically T8SG can do it, but the option invert uart in CSRF protocol is missing.
Also there is no configuration menu setting for ELRS protocol.

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06 Mar 2021 14:29 #77288 by tonh
Replied by tonh on topic expressLRS
It'd be awesome to get this to work. I could keep using my T8sgv2 (3) forever! ;-)

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08 Apr 2021 11:45 #77336 by pablo
Replied by pablo on topic expressLRS
Hello everyone ! As a long time user of DeviationTX, I was also eager to use this new protocol :) ( which is fantastic btw )

With those few information, I made it run smoothly on my T8SG V2 Plus and a R9M 2019 module ( without configuration screen but it's OK, you don't often change those parameters once you've validated a set ) :

for the hardware modifications :

And for the software side :

And then we can use our beloved T8SG forever !
Kudo to Phoboss for the support ! B)

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08 Apr 2021 20:43 #77337 by dat-alex
Replied by dat-alex on topic expressLRS

AlessandroAU wrote: Hi,

ExpressLRS will already work on deviation but ONLY on ESP32 hardware (eg TTGO). This is because AFAIK at least on my T8SGv2 the CRSF output is inverted. ESP32 can handle this, but R9M running ELRS can not.

in user_defines.txt you must comment out "-DUART_INVERTED" ie make it "#-DUART_INVERTED" and then configure a model as CRSF and connect the signal wire to the top pin (or bottom pin if you've done the CRSF mod)

Hi Alessandro and congratulation on epic ExpressLRS project!
Is there a way of having a precompiled ESP32 2400 firmware ready with UART inverted to be used with the Jumper T8?
Thank you in advance

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09 Apr 2021 19:51 - 09 Apr 2021 19:55 #77338 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic expressLRS
Still it should be possible to invert inside deviation the uart from the external bay, as R9M PXX and CRSF both work on the same pins. But we may need some help from the deviation guru's.

Could you test if you still have any R9M heat issues and dataloss, on deviation with your setup and mod ?
Last edit: 09 Apr 2021 19:55 by Fernandez.

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16 Apr 2021 07:03 #77349 by tonh
Replied by tonh on topic expressLRS

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16 Apr 2021 07:12 #77350 by dat-alex
Replied by dat-alex on topic expressLRS
That's really good new!

Thank you tonh for the info
and a big thank you to phobos for the final binaries :)

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16 Apr 2021 07:21 #77351 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS
Wow fantastic!
so there is not only the inversion function!
if I understand correctly there are all the features of the LUA script?
as soon as I can I try it!

so will it be present in the deviation nightlies?

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16 Apr 2021 12:11 - 16 Apr 2021 12:12 #77353 by belrik
Replied by belrik on topic expressLRS
So we need ESP-based module, then we set a flag when building ExpressLRS to invert the UART traffic and we can use CRSF option to run the menu for ELRS?

Can we use both Crossfire equiment and ELRS modules on the same DeviationTX radio or does this replace the CRSF menu with the ELRS menu?
Last edit: 16 Apr 2021 12:12 by belrik.

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16 Apr 2021 13:07 #77354 by Corrado-c
Replied by Corrado-c on topic expressLRS

belrik wrote: So we need ESP-based module, then we set a flag when building ExpressLRS to invert the UART traffic and we can use CRSF option to run the menu for ELRS?

Can we use both Crossfire equiment and ELRS modules on the same DeviationTX radio or does this replace the CRSF menu with the ELRS menu?

eheheheh more or less the same doubts that I have,
I would like to use the same module on 2 different radios (opentx and deviation).
as soon as I have time I do some tests but unfortunately not immediately. but I'm very curious :)

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18 Apr 2021 16:13 #77356 by tonh
Replied by tonh on topic expressLRS

belrik wrote: So we need ESP-based module, then we set a flag when building ExpressLRS to invert the UART traffic and we can use CRSF option to run the menu for ELRS?

Can we use both Crossfire equiment and ELRS modules on the same DeviationTX radio or does this replace the CRSF menu with the ELRS menu?

Not sure. I’ve ordered the happymodel 2.4 elrs rx/tx and can’t wait to try it. Supposed to be delivered somewhere in May. :) ... Maybe you can ask in the ExpressLRS discord?

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