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  • wind10071
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23 Feb 2019 07:07
Replied by wind10071 on topic Need a DEVO12E bootloader.bin

Need a DEVO12E bootloader.bin

Category: Development

DEVO10 bootloader. bin cannot be used with DEVO12E firmware,
  • wind10071
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17 Feb 2019 19:35
Need a DEVO12E bootloader.bin was created by wind10071

Need a DEVO12E bootloader.bin

Category: Development

Need a DEVO12E bootloader.bin,thank you very much! Can you send it to my email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Rjx
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29 Jan 2019 01:54 - 31 Jan 2019 02:08
Replied by Rjx on topic Serial out for LRS boxes

Serial out for LRS boxes

Category: Protocol Development

Ok. On my transmitter I have saved model setups/model icon.. How do I save this (and re-upload)? Before I do any flashing.
Regarding the wolfbox, this is what I currently know (from goggling *Lots* info from past 2 days).

With hardware wolfbox, its an RFM23BP module controlled by an atmega328(arduino bootloader) w/c takes ppm(and sbus?) If its configured to be a Tx... OR spews out PPM(or sbus) along with 1khz(?)pwm->>RC filter for analog rssi.max 3v3. This also depends HOW it is configured. It has a PC app(GUI) for configuring parameters.

I have not installed the ULRS configurator I dont know what configs are there. Will do that when my UHF arrives.

With the wolfbox also, atmega is i think(?) 3v3 (underpowerd)powered with I think 16MHz xtal. The RFM module is also 3v3 powered. Its marketed as 1watt, but according to measurements, its RF output is only around 400mW.because of 3v3 power. Max it could take safely is 5v to 5v5. Dont believe the datasheet saying a max of 6v.

Wolfbox is a clone(of orangerx , I think?) .

Wolfbox also comes stock flashed with EDIT: NOT openlrsng(!) W/c development of firmware was halted around 2015
flashable with openlrsng or ultimatelrs fw.

What he told me, since im also having a hard time where/how to start, was to Fresh start on "ULRS mini"... And now I finally understood how hardware is setup. Arduino+RF module. He owns the site ive mentioned earlier.

My wolfbox is due to arrive 2 weeks from now. And I have also ordered a few pcs of the RFM modules as well.. For a diy approach. Wish I had done this , before ordering the wolfbox combo.

Actually I have two radios to play with. The T8SGv2+ & flysky i6(fw modded). PPM for i6 and PPM(or possibly SBUS with rssi) for T8SG.

I hope this is clear now. I cant comment any hardware to check atm.

Oh and before I forget, the Orange lrs and perhaps the wolfbox, needs to be flashed with 3v3 FTDI(well it would survive a 5v) but the RF module wont. Its data lines are not 5v tolerant.

Please check ULRS mini. There is reference schematic there and lots of info.
  • Fernandez
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03 Jan 2019 15:49
Replied by Fernandez on topic T8SG Lite

T8SG Lite

Category: Feedback & Questions

Any deviation radio consist of two parts, the firmware file flashed to the Tx, using the bootloader tool.

Then in USB mode the Tx, works like a drive on this drive there is the filesystem inc model files settings files etc, all is needed to function properly.

When not closing the USB correctly or unplugging the file system can get corrupted. Prrobably this is what happened.
So in that case you have to, format the transmitter USB drive, default settings is fine, than copy the directories and file structure to the USB drive.

Disconnect using, windows disconnect USB, before unplugging.

You could put the latest nightly build, but better than also flqsh latest firmware.
  • hexfet
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04 Dec 2018 15:23
Replied by hexfet on topic Help with dead Devo10

Help with dead Devo10

Category: Feedback & Questions

More details are in this post . It's for the 7e but the 10 is very similar.

There's an easier method described in this post . The STM Flashloaderdemo utility allows flashing the bootloader through the serial interface on the trainer port. Still have to open the transmitter to access the Boot0 and power bypass jumpers, but don't have to solder the STLink connections. You'll need an FTDI adapter to connect to the serial port.
  • Anaconda
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04 Dec 2018 13:08
Replied by Anaconda on topic Help with dead Devo10

Help with dead Devo10

Category: Feedback & Questions

Hello PhracturedBlue, I have the problem of the corrupt bootloader in my DEVO 10, I do not know how to reinstall again to connect with USB, please I would like you to indicate the steps to follow to solve it.
I have good knowledge of electronics and I have the ST-LINK v2 programmer.
Thank you.
  • Anaconda
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04 Dec 2018 13:08
Replied by Anaconda on topic Help with dead Devo10

Help with dead Devo10

Category: Feedback & Questions

PhracturedBlue wrote: If you have turned off the radio, unplugged the battery (2 seconds is enough), made sure the battery is fully charged, plugged it back in, pressed ENT and with it held down turned on the radio.
If you did all that and your radio doesn't enter firmware mode, there are 2 possibilities I can think of:
1) The power circuit is broken and the radio isn't turning on.
2) The bootloader was somehow corrupted

you need to distinguish between these 2. The only way to do so is to open up the radio and measure the voltage with a voltmeter.
If the voltage is correct, then the bootloader needs to be replaced. That requires a programmer. you can buy one from china for about $6US (search for st-link v2)
Unfortunately on the devo10 they don't install terminals, so hooking up the programmer involves soldering to the board. I can explain the steps in detail if you elect to go this way.

I don't know what your comfort level is with something like this. There are quite a few steps involved.

Hello PhracturedBlue, I have the problem of the corrupt bootloader in my DEVO 10, I do not know how to reinstall again to connect with USB, please I would like you to indicate the steps to follow to solve it.
I have good knowledge of electronics and I have the ST-LINK v2 programmer.
Thank you.

You have other options:
a) contact your retailer and ask them for help
b) contact Walkera and ask them for help
c) you can ship it to me and I will do everything in my power to make it work again. You pay shipping both ways. This is probably only feasible if you live in the USA.

  • galaxy76
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20 Nov 2018 07:08
Walkera RX2636H-D. XMEGA32A4 failed. replace it was created by galaxy76

Walkera RX2636H-D. XMEGA32A4 failed. replace it

Category: Feedback & Questions

Unfortunately, my RX2636 H-D (V120d02s helicopter) does not work. Atmel XMEGA32A4 processor failed. I would like to replace it. I have the original walkera firmware but I do not have the bootloader. Where can I find the boot loader?
  • galaxy76
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17 Nov 2018 18:26
Replied by galaxy76 on topic Walkera RX reverse engineering

Walkera RX reverse engineering

Category: General Discussions

Hi, I have a problem with an RX2636H-D receiver (Walkera V120D02S). I am very fond of this helicopter and have been flying there for years. Unfortunately, suddenly it does not bind to TX. The LED on the RX2636h-d flashes slowly as when the ID is cleared. It stays like this and the servo elevator seem crazy. they move without reason. I have not had any crashes. the defect began little by little. first the elevator servo went to the end of the stroke. then sometimes the bind with the TX was canceled, but after removing the battery and connecting it again, everything seemed to work. now it is no longer possible to establish a link with the TX. I would like to understand if the problem is to be found in some components such as a capacitor, or the processor xmega32a4 has been damage. I tried to put the firmware back, but it gives me a connection error.
I'm good at welding in SMD, but I do not understand much about software. I'm almost sure that the PD3 port (pin23) is damaged.

For example, could I buy an atmel xmega32a4 and replace it with the faulty one? and then flash the firmware? I suppose the bootloader is also necessary? Where can I find?
I'm sure you can help me.
  • 2hry
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01 Oct 2018 19:05 - 02 Oct 2018 15:28
Replied by 2hry on topic Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Category: Development

The firmware I used is still available in this thread.
Today after work I tried to redo the steps needed, but with hardware i had available(STM32VCT6 with SH1106display and sst25vf16).
3,3V Flash WP and HOLD
PA5 Display and Flash SCK
PA6 Flash MISO
PA7 Display and Flash MOSI
PB0 Display CS
PB1 Display RESET
PB2 Flash CE
PC5 Display DC

With usb-Serialadapter to PA9 and PA10, Boot0 jumper to 1: with FlashLoaderDemonstrator -flash Bootloader Devo7E_256.
When finished --disconnect Serialadapter.

I set Boot0 Jumper to 0, and i removed Boot1 Jumper.
Connect Usb(STM Device in DFU mode appears in DeviceManager)

With Walkera DFuse Usb Upgrade Tool: open file deviation-devo7c-v5.0.0-89af59c.dfu -press upgrade -when finished -disconnect Usb
Connect PC7 to PB6(ENTER Button) and connect usb.

USB Drive appears -- Copy filesystem (Description in the Forum) -- disconnect the board.

Disconnect PC7 to PB6, and connect PA3 to GND.

Connect Usb -- Display shows up everytime i power the board.(but not perfecly alligned, cause it is SH1106).

deviation-devo7c-v5.0.0-89af59c is for testing without CYRFmodule connected.
deviation-devo7c-v5.0.0-22d3bed is fully working (With no module: Display is working with missing module on the screen, and the board reboots when you press a button)

When i made my transmitter, i removed all the components on the development board, that i didnt need. Maybe that helps.

If not: then my advice would be to get a 7pin SSD1306, or you are able to change the code and compile yourself. I know the 6pin display works with Arduino Adafuit library.
  • phamminh
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01 Oct 2018 05:33 - 01 Oct 2018 05:35
Replied by phamminh on topic Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Category: Development

Occasionally oled is showing but faulty, most of them are faulty. i use this oled,
i uploaded the bootloader with usb uart. i replaced the 2 boards but the result did not change, instead oled but still the same,
is it my firmware, please give me your firmware, i thank, this is the firmware I use.
please help me
  • phamminh
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27 Sep 2018 10:36 - 27 Sep 2018 14:09
Replied by phamminh on topic Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Category: Development

i use board stm32f103 rct6 ,lcd ssd1306 0,96 inch spi (scl-sda-rst-d/c)
i connect scl-pa5,sda-pa7,rst-b1,d/c-pc5
bootloader devo7e-256.bin
firmware deviation-devo7c-v5.0.0-89af59c.dfu
i try buy a new lcd ,but it not work,
i upload frimware ok,coppy system ok,but lcd not wwork
  • fenist
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27 Sep 2018 10:32
Replied by fenist on topic Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Wishlist for a custom Transmitter board

Category: Development

Phamminh, do You really think that your post contains all required information?
What board do You use?
What LCD do You use?
How they are connected?
What bootloader and firmware do You use?
  • mercury9
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06 Sep 2018 05:59 - 06 Sep 2018 06:13
Replied by mercury9 on topic Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Category: Builds

theandrewmillett wrote:

vlad_vy wrote: New DeviationUploader-0.9.0

Run using: java -jar DeviationUpload-0.9.0.jar

Works great! I just updated my T8SG v2 Plus with this from Windows 7.

Should I assume that a reworked bootloader has not yet been incorporated? After updated to today's nightly, it's still reporting as a Devo7e in DeviationUpload.

I am not good at English.

The red light on the power lamp,
My t8sg plus screen does not turn on.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to fix it step by step.

I have rewrite with deviation-t8sg_v2_plus-v5.0.0
But there are problems.

New DeviationUploader-0.9.0
There is no dfu file.
Can you tell me how to update it?
  • Brett_N
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12 Jul 2018 17:07
Replied by Brett_N on topic T8SG USB problem

T8SG USB problem

Category: General Discussions

Are you trying to upgrade the firmware (bootloader mode?) or add .ini files?

Oh - and you have a battery in the TX right?

You may also need to check for an updated driver. You did download and install DFuse, right?

I use Zadig for drivers. I'll try my jumper when i get home tonight. I know sometimes I have to try different USB ports on occasion.
  • theandrewmillett
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14 May 2018 06:44
Replied by theandrewmillett on topic Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Category: Builds

vlad_vy wrote: New DeviationUploader-0.9.0

Run using: java -jar DeviationUpload-0.9.0.jar

Works great! I just updated my T8SG v2 Plus with this from Windows 7.

Should I assume that a reworked bootloader has not yet been incorporated? After updated to today's nightly, it's still reporting as a Devo7e in DeviationUpload.
  • Whiffles
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10 May 2018 19:15
Replied by Whiffles on topic Serial out for LRS boxes

Serial out for LRS boxes

Category: Protocol Development

hexfet wrote: It should be possible but don't have the necessary information right now. The protocol doc includes the command to start the bootloader but not the bootload procedure itself. I'll ask TBS support.

Have you had a chance to try the Crossfire module in your Plus? Test build is here .

I just flashed the firmware and the protocol is now available. Now I just need to solder a wire between the pins. So it's the top and bottom pin? I was looking at the traces and it seems the bottom pin isn't connected to anything.

I think it's also important to add Mode, Sbus rate and output mapping. You might find this video helpful to know what's involved in configuring Crossfire via Lua scripts:

  • hexfet
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10 May 2018 18:47
Replied by hexfet on topic Serial out for LRS boxes

Serial out for LRS boxes

Category: Protocol Development

It should be possible but don't have the necessary information right now. The protocol doc includes the command to start the bootloader but not the bootload procedure itself. I'll ask TBS support.

Have you had a chance to try the Crossfire module in your Plus? Test build is here .
  • Moeder
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08 May 2018 08:50
Replied by Moeder on topic Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Category: Builds

hexfet wrote: However the people willing to patch their bootloader are probably people who would always burn the right firmware anyway. Maybe suggesting to Jumper to change the bootloaders would give the biggest benefit.

Reflashing the bootloader is done in other projects as well ( For example here ) so it should be pretty safe. Once we have the modified bootloader to be used for this purpose I'm sure jumper will go ahead and use it in future production batches as well, but so far there are probably >1000 devices out in the wild with the "old" bootloader.

Anyways, I suggest merging V2 plus and irange to master branch (thanks vlad for providing these early builds so quickly!), as well as publishing the deviation-uploader 0.9 as the suggested upload tool for now.
  • theandrewmillett
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07 May 2018 23:41
Replied by theandrewmillett on topic Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Jumper T8SG V2 builds

Category: Builds

I only have a T8SG V2 Plus, and I just went straight for the deviationuploader when I updated mine to vlad's latest build. I'd be perfectly fine with only using the deviationuploader. I agree that the ideal would be for Jumper to update their bootloader, but I'd be perfectly happy with a deviationuploader-provided bootloader update.
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