Developing a universal module

27 Mar 2014 02:12 #21878 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
Did you wire up the 5V pin (pin 1) of the module to the devo8?
I can't actually test the devo module in the multi-module right now because mine is connected to the module itself. So I need to have the devo module in its original socket to use the multi-module, and it does not work to have it installed in both places at the moment

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27 Mar 2014 06:42 #21879 by nusbr
Replied by nusbr on topic Developing a universal module
Yes i have wired 5V on Pin 1 (Have it measured with DMM). When i remove i have Message: Missing FYRF6936, also i think it communicates with TX.
Is it possible to use the DEVO Module in its original socket with Multi Module connected?

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27 Mar 2014 12:15 #21880 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
yes, that is how the module was actually designed to work. The only reason i included the CYRF socket was for the X9d, I want it to work with Devo radios too (for the Devo7e and to make it easier to install), but it wasn't tested in that configuration.
I was able to set it up the way you have it installed, and I could bind, but range is really short (like a few inches). I have no idea why, but I can at least debug it now.

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27 Mar 2014 14:06 #21884 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
Ok, I figured it out. There was a bug in the code when initializing the power-amp on the cyrf module when using it with the multi-mod board.

I've updated the nightly build. Make sure to use nightly ac4f0b2 or newer.

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27 Mar 2014 21:15 #21898 by nusbr
Replied by nusbr on topic Developing a universal module
Have Tested them. Now works fine. Great Job PB. Thank you for supporting. :)

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27 Mar 2014 21:40 #21900 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
Thank you for being patient. Please let me know if you run into any issues. This is still very new and there are probably other things we'll run into.

With that I'm confident enough to start shipping out my spare modules. For those of you who contacted me regarding that, you should be hearing back from me in the next several days.

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29 Mar 2014 23:40 #21943 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic Developing a universal module
Devo7E nightly : ac4f0b2

MM installed, hardware.ini :
;Only useful for transmitters with an after-market vibration motor
;switch_types: 3x2, 3x1, 2x2
; there is no need to enable the cyrf6936 module unless
; it is wired to an alternate port. It is Enabled automatically otherwise
enable-cyrf6936 = B12
; has_pa-cyrf6936 = 1
enable-multimod = A13

Power up give a CYRF module missing...other modules seem detected, but can't bind with any of them :(

Going to verify all connections but at first glance they appear to be ok, then will reap all the modules of the MM and test them separately.

Will come back in a couple of days and report.

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30 Mar 2014 01:28 #21944 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
The Devo7e has not been tested with the multimod board yet. It is very likely an initialization thing, as I changed the initialization code a lot. I'll try installing the module in my devo7e soon and see if I can veirfy it works.

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30 Mar 2014 01:53 #21945 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic Developing a universal module
Devo7E nightly : ac4f0b2

I understand now, I did some testing before ripping the MM apart.

As the module is really compressed inside the Devo7E its likely that some bad contact was going on, as I opened the TX, the CYRF module was detected to, no more missing modules.

Now for the bad part :

I was able to bind and test on the bench the FLYSKY and SKYARTEC protocol, bind ok and servos and motors works on my quads and helicopters.

Unfortunately, none of my HISKY, DEVO, DSM2 stuff binds...

I had on one occasion the TX rebooting continuously (it's what I think) blank screen and long beep. I join the file "error.tx" if it helps.

I had disconnected the A7105 module when it occurred.

I commented all occurrence to modules in hardware.ini, hoping I could test the CYRF module alone.

No joy, the devo7E complained about missing MM, the strange thing is that the all protocols had the asterisk before them. I think it should at least have all the CYRF protocols working, becasue on the devo7E, B12 should be used.

After a while the TX froze and rebooted. I join the error file named : "errors_mm_disabled_hwini"

File Attachment:

File Name: errors_2014-03-29.txt
File Size:4 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: errors_mm_...wini.txt
File Size:4 KB

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30 Mar 2014 02:17 - 30 Mar 2014 02:17 #21947 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
I've seen the reboot loop with a few of the NRF24L01 protocols. I haven't ever seen it with any other protocols.

even with the MultiMod installed, you should be able to go back to 4.0.1. can you ensure your DEVO binds properly there? As I said there have been big changes to the initialization stuff, so it is quite possible that the CYRF6936 stuff doesn't work on the Devo7e

Your 1st crash indicates that the crash happened during the module initialization and the 2nd during module de-initialization. On the Devo7e, the errors.txt doesn't include the module backtrace which makes these much less useful. I should fix that
Last edit: 30 Mar 2014 02:17 by PhracturedBlue.

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30 Mar 2014 04:24 #21950 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Developing a universal module
Several nRF24L01 protocols still have waiting for TX, which sometimes takes longer than watchdog timeout. I plan to remove this in the style of YD717 - introduce a new internal state for waiting, and if it fails, just check that TX FIFO has slots.

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31 Mar 2014 18:06 #21972 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
I have updated the avr.hex to Rev3 (see the downloads section to obtain the new file)
You must use the latest nightly-build (which was uploaded today: e623f92) with this (though the latest nightly will also work with the old Rev2 avr.hex as well).

There are 2 changes:
1) The multi-module will not respond to a version query until after it has been initialized to control a switch, and the CSN line has toggled at least once. The purpose of this change is to allow the multi-module to co-exist with older firmware, since otherwise the multi-module could communicate on MISO and corrupt built-in module data

2) I added more-robust detection of the nrf24L01

I'm still not happy with reliability. I don't know why I get occasional module initialization issues. It appears to have something to do with the SCK pin. If I attach the logic-analyzer to the SCK pin it is 100% reliable, but without it, I get occasional initialization issues. I've tried adding a small cap to the SCK pin without benefit. The LA has very low input cap, so maybe that isn't it. I'm currently at a loss as to what is going on It is difficult to debug something you can't measure.

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01 Apr 2014 02:33 - 01 Apr 2014 03:01 #21986 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
blackmoon, I assume you are using the built-in CYRF module, right? Do you have the diod mod?
If not you should set:
has_pa-cyrf6936 = 0
That should let you bind your Devo protocols properly.

Edit: Also, I verified that the nrf24L01 is working properly on my Devo7e with the multimod as well. If you still have issues, upgrade to the latest nightly and Avr.hex V3
Last edit: 01 Apr 2014 03:01 by PhracturedBlue.

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01 Apr 2014 07:03 - 01 Apr 2014 07:05 #21991 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic Developing a universal module
I'm indeed using the internal CYRF module and don't have the diode mod done. I wasn't aware of the need to specify "has_pa-cyrf6936 = 0", I've always let it commented (I think... brain is not what it used to be :p) and never had any issues.

I'll upgrade and try that. I'm afraid that my NRF is toasted, it's very sensitive to over voltage, I already cooked one when I was making the SoloPro ppm module from kile.

Anyway I'll make some testing, this weekend, and keep you posted.

Thanks for pursuing this.
Last edit: 01 Apr 2014 07:05 by blackmoon.

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01 Apr 2014 13:05 #21997 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
the default tx.ini used to have the proper PA settings for the devo7e, but I forgot to update that when I switched the the hardware.ini. That is why you don't recall updating it before. I've fixed it so the devo7e hardware.ini is correct going forward, but for you, it is easier just to change it.

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01 Apr 2014 22:14 - 01 Apr 2014 22:15 #22018 by blackmoon
Replied by blackmoon on topic Developing a universal module
Couldn't wait until the weekend. All modules on the MM are working, but the NRF has a dodgy initialization. Now I'm glad I hear a humming from the speaker every time I change protocol, it's because of that that I found that the NRF don't initialize correctly every time (found it by power cycling the TX and not using the bind button), bare in mind this is not with the latest nightly.

I hope that NRF's initialization will be better in the latest one, but I'm going to strip that one from the MM so I can deport it, less strain on the 7E interiors.

The only one not complying is the CYRF, made the has_pa-cyrf6936 = 0 but no go... after I upgrade to the latest nightly if it's the same I'll check the antenna because it seems broken.

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't toast the NRF and made some progress in debugging this.
Last edit: 01 Apr 2014 22:15 by blackmoon.

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05 Apr 2014 17:22 - 05 Apr 2014 17:41 #22153 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Developing a universal module

I am starting to build the multi-module. I think the pinout of the P1 should be written in the main WiKi page

Note the pin order of the module (with the AVR facing skyward and 'P1' horizontal):
7 5 3 1
8 6 4 2

And need to write what is pin 1 is and so on ....
I read also : "The relevant pins on the 8-pin header are: 2: Vdd 3: Reset 4: MOSI 5: MISO 6: SCK 7: Vss"

With my USBasp, I don't have VSS, only GND, MOSI, VCC,MISO,SCK and RST. I guess VCC = Vdd and Rest = RST
Last edit: 05 Apr 2014 17:41 by SeByDocKy.

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05 Apr 2014 22:24 - 05 Apr 2014 22:27 #22158 by PhracturedBlue
Replied by PhracturedBlue on topic Developing a universal module
I've updated the ModuleList with the proper connectivity here:

The Multi-Module pins are reversed compared to all other modules, which is probably very confusing.

And yes Your connectivity is correct. There are multiple names used for these funtions:

Vdd = Vcc (on the programmer, hook this to the 3.3V pin regardless of what voltage your programmer uses), but you should generally program with 3.3V or without any tarnsceiver modules installed
RST = Reset
Vss = GND
Last edit: 05 Apr 2014 22:27 by PhracturedBlue.

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06 Apr 2014 06:07 #22163 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Developing a universal module

PhracturedBlue wrote: I've updated the ModuleList with the proper connectivity here:

The Multi-Module pins are reversed compared to all other modules, which is probably very confusing.

And yes Your connectivity is correct. There are multiple names used for these funtions:

Vdd = Vcc (on the programmer, hook this to the 3.3V pin regardless of what voltage your programmer uses), but you should generally program with 3.3V or without any tarnsceiver modules installed
RST = Reset
Vss = GND

Thanks PB,

My USBasp is delivering 5V so ... I will program it first in order to not cook RFchips. It should be highlighted in red IMHO. By the way, I am trying to make a video for a step by step procedure.

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06 Apr 2014 06:48 #22164 by SeByDocKy
Replied by SeByDocKy on topic Developing a universal module
Hi Pb,

There is another thing I don't understand with the photo of the "P1" pinout. so according to your photo

P1 (view from top)

7 5 3 1
8 6 4 2

with 7 = GND, 5 = MISO, 3 = Reset, 1 = +5V
8 = CSN, 6 = SCK, 4 = MOSI, 2 = +3.3V

or if I return the PCB, I see a square pin in 1 position. Usually, such square is designing the ground ? It means that it's reversed as you wrote ?

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