- Posts: 1906
Eachine or JJRC H8 mini ?
- hexfet
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Might want to check greenfly's work . Or I'll make a combined build after things are done and pull requests made.
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- Zaphod
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- czajunia
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Thanks a lot hexfet
EDIT: I have just tried the DynTrims. Didn't expect that at all. Unbelievable. It is super fast for a toy quad.
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- Richard96816
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- Zaphod
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- Richard96816
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- Phillycopter8
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- vasiliy_gr
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static u16 scale_channel(u8 ch, u16 destMin, u16 destMax)
s32 chanval = Channels[ch];
s32 range = destMax - destMin;
if (chanval < CHAN_MIN_VALUE) chanval = CHAN_MIN_VALUE;
else if (chanval > CHAN_MAX_VALUE) chanval = CHAN_MAX_VALUE;
return (range * (chanval - CHAN_MIN_VALUE)) / CHAN_RANGE + destMin;
chanval.value = scale_channel(CHANNEL1, 0x3ff, 0); // aileron
packet[4] = chanval.bytes.msb + dyntrim(chanval.value);
packet[5] = chanval.bytes.lsb;
chanval.value = scale_channel(CHANNEL2, 0, 0x3ff); // elevator
packet[6] = chanval.bytes.msb + dyntrim(chanval.value);
packet[7] = chanval.bytes.lsb;
chanval.value = scale_channel(CHANNEL3, 0, 0x3ff); // throttle
packet[8] = chanval.bytes.msb + 0x7c;
packet[9] = chanval.bytes.lsb;
chanval.value = scale_channel(CHANNEL4, 0x3ff, 0); // rudder
packet[10] = chanval.bytes.msb + dyntrim(chanval.value);
packet[11] = chanval.bytes.lsb;
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- Zaphod
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Phillycopter8 wrote: Here's my model ini for the devo 7e with 2x3 switch. Using 60/80/125 for pitch and roll on swB and 40/70/125 for rudder on swA. Still playing with the mixer but I mostly fly it with rudder 60 and pitch/roll at 125 and it's working well for me. Hold1 is flip for channel 6 and using fmode1 for headless mode channel 9. So fun! Thanks again Hexfet!
Thank you kind sir

Based on Phillycopter8's ini file for the 7e - here is my Devo 10 version with mods.
Ail, Ele and Rud all work off the FMOD switch:
Fmod 0 - expo 25, scale 60
Fmod 1 - expo 25, scale 80
Fmod 2 - expo 25, scale 100
Elev D/R 1 is channel 6 - flip mode
Ail D/R 1 is channel 9 - headless mode
This is probably pretty rough and not done according to how it should or could be done for optimal usage but it seems to work quite well for me.

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- Richard96816
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I have a collection of model files. I rename them from the modelxx.ini to something like Eachine_H8_mini.ini. Then I grab the notes from your post and add them to the top of the file as comments, along with the date, the aircraft and the poster's name. They seem much more useful and accessible that way.
I respectfully suggest this might be a better way to post such files in the future.
Thank you!
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- hexfet
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I'm going to combine the fy326, bayang, and mjxq protocols in one pull request. It avoids merge conflicts and is easier to review, plus will be based on the latest default.
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- shaunb
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To run the test build you need to use the filesystem from a nightly build (perhaps the latest build I am not sure).
I was installing the test build firmware and using the 4.0.1 release file system. This results in a successful boot, everything appears to be ok until you press "ENT" to access the menu and it is blank.
Anyway my goal was to test the H8 mini so looking forward to doing that now! Thanks hexfet
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- SeByDocKy
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hexfet wrote: I've uploaded new test builds that set the dynamic trims on all the time and removes the protocol option. Thanks for the testing.
I'm going to combine the fy326, bayang, and mjxq protocols in one pull request. It avoids merge conflicts and is easier to review, plus will be based on the latest default.

out of topic, PB seems away since several days.... probably in vaccations
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- btoschi
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(incorporated latest changes from hexfet's repo, fixing merge issue manually).
Cannot test more yet, as one of the motors is damaged (I suspect its brushes were damaged during shipping) and I'm waiting for spare part.
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- Durete
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Edit. I was wrong. The H12C is using LT8910 RF transceiver.
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- Durete
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@ Hexfet, do you need any specific capture from this model?
I guess no, but just in case...
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- hexfet
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- Durete
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Amazing pitch and roll angles using the dynamic trims!
Will upload a short video ASAP.
Thanks Hexfet!
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- Durete
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Sorry for the video quality, didn't have my Mobius Hatcam here and was recorded by a coworker with his cell (receiving a lot of messages

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- hexfet
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Protocol Development
- Eachine or JJRC H8 mini ?