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  • RoGuE_StreaK
  • RoGuE_StreaK's Avatar
30 Oct 2016 22:29
Replied by RoGuE_StreaK on topic Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests

Hi Lentar, I had just modified the ini file from vlad's thread so used whatever channel layout was in that. While it's "nice" to have a pre-set order on your receiver, it actually doesn't matter a damn, as any of the channels can have the BEC connected to power the RX so ESC can plug into wherever fits. Note also that while in your devo the chanel names will show up using the "TAER" naming that DSM uses, there's nothing whatsoever that sets the source of these channels, so you can change each channel to whatever the hell you want. To paraphrase the band Devo, freedom of choice is what you've got / freedom from choice is what you want. For some the (near) absolute freedom is overwhelming.

I'm using a couple of Redcon DSM2 RXs, seem to be great bang for the buck.

The only difference between the left and the right channels should have been that one had the AIL source reversed; instead of swapping the wires, you can instead just reverse that source on each, either by highlighting then hitting Enter (as per above), or an alternate way is to change the Scale to a negative number (what I usually do).
That said, it also depends on how your servos are physically setup, you may for example need to reverse the ELE as well.

RE: Expo, I think on the devo10 you navigate til you highlight the expo heading, then hit Enter to go into it; prety sure anything that changes colour is a button, anything that doesn't is just a heading. Note that I'm using a devo6, which is a colour touchscreen so has a different interface to the 10/7e, and I almost never use the navigation buttons so am rather rusty with how to get around using them.
  • Lentar
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29 Oct 2016 05:35
Replied by Lentar on topic Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests


Thank you!

It worked great, however I had to modify it a bit.

My receiver (Redcon DSM2) has throttle on ch 1 and ail on 2 and ele on 3. So I moved your ch1 programming to ch 2 and ch 2 to ch 3.

With this I had to swap my servo leads going to the receiver (I had to move the rt servo from ail to ele and the lt servo from ele to ail) before I was able to get the servos moving correctly.

How do I add EXPO?

I am attaching the modified ini file plus pictures of my receiver and the lower portion of my flying wing showing physical orientation of the servos.
  • RoGuE_StreaK
  • RoGuE_StreaK's Avatar
26 Oct 2016 06:45 - 26 Oct 2016 06:50
Replied by RoGuE_StreaK on topic Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests

OK, give the attached a burl; FMOD still controls ELE, and AIL should now be controlled by MIX (just so you have three positions). Going on what you've said, I moderated the ELE so it is now 25/30/35 rather than 25/42/60, and AIL is now 60/75/90 rather than 25/42/60
If it's closer to what you want but needs some tweaking, just search for those numbers in the ini and change them up or down. Or just do it through the UI, the mixes are on different "pages" of the complex mixer.

PS. I haven't loaded this into a devo or emu,and I'm not a text-ini guru, but it seems to me that perhaps there isn't any expo defined? You may want to set some to make things a little less twitchy.

PPS. note that changing figures in one channel does NOT change the other channel; you have to manually change both channels. For some stuff it can be a bit tedious, but it means a lot more creative power and flexibility when you get the hang of it.
  • Lentar
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26 Oct 2016 04:00
Replied by Lentar on topic Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests

Yes, I tried to use the vlad_vy template, which gives 3 rates on the fmod switch. Unfortunately my flying wing becomes difficult to fly because at the low rate, pitch control is ok but I lose aileron authority and at the high rate I have aileron authority but the pitch axis is too much. Could I bother you to alter his template for deviation 3 for me and I can try it out?
  • RoGuE_StreaK
  • RoGuE_StreaK's Avatar
25 Oct 2016 23:39 - 25 Oct 2016 23:41
Replied by RoGuE_StreaK on topic Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests

Hi Lentar, I'm assuming from your last post that you have vlad's template, I haven't tested this but I think you should be able to get away with just changing the switch names in the template for the two different sources; eg. leave everything with the ELE source as "FMOD#", and change everything with the AIL source to "MIX#".

If that doesn't work out, it'll be a logic order thing; essentially each mixer in the file builds on the result of the last one(s), so you may need to rearrange mixers to get them in the right logical order. I think I'd personally have all three of the ELE mixers first (FMOD0, 1, 2), then the three AIL mixers (MIX0, 1, 2) being added.

The scale and expo etc of the ELE get set depending on which FMOD you select; this is your base source. On top of that the selected AIL is added, resulting in your final channel output.

It kinda depends on whether you want to group via mixer sources (ELE and AIL), or group via switch functions (FMOD0, 1, 2). I think I tend to group via sources, as I get carried away with doing all sorts of weird and wonderful (sometimes) changes to each individual source before mixing 'em all up.
Oh, and then when they are all mixed together, you can then apply scales etc to the entire mix...
  • Lentar
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25 Oct 2016 22:40
Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL was created by Lentar

Devo 10 Flying Wing Elevon mixing with different DR for ELE and AIL

Category: Model Requests

Please share your model.ini file. A search for elevon mixing gives 177 results, but I need to be able to set the DR for AIL and ELE to be set independently for my flying wing, so I can have more throws on the ailerons, and less on the elevator. Thanks!
  • Groomaar
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14 Jun 2016 14:40
FT Delta Elevon Mixing was created by Groomaar

FT Delta Elevon Mixing

Category: Model Configs

I was having lots of trouble on Devo 7e getting the mixing to work for my FT Delta. This is my first scratch build and first plane. I'm a multicopter guy, that just got into the hobby and decided to give planes a try. After many attempts and following lots of tutorials on how to do this, I kept ending up with the same error. I would have either my flaps move together no matter what the stick inputs AIL or ELE they would move together, or they would move opposite each other. This was regardless of whether the stick input was AIL or ELE. If I reversed one channel or another, the behaviour would switch from together to opposite, and vise-versa. After a format and refresh on my Devo 7e, I spent a long time messing around with the model and I finally got it to work. I first set my channels on the TX to default and decided which controlled which surface, and reversed as needed to make sure each servo correctly controlled it's particular surface. I then went into my model and made my adjustments on the PC side of things. Long story short, many hours, lots of cussing and swearing, and bingo! I got it working super. This is my model.ini it is using a Spektrum 610Rx w/o satellite, on a Flite Test Delta. I hope this helps someone somewhere, to avoid the hours I spent messing around with this. :)

File Attachment:

File Name: model1.ini
File Size:8 KB
  • EArHog
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15 Feb 2016 01:29 - 15 Feb 2016 01:31
Replied by EArHog on topic i need elevon model config

i need elevon model config

Category: Model Configs

mwm wrote: Please report back on how well hello p the stabilizer works. I've been happy with the e-flite AS3X firmware, and have to wonder if it's as far beyond the competition as they claim.

I was having problems that I couldn't locate so I replaced everything - plugs, pins, wires, solder, motors, ESC's, satellite Rx - everything except the Lemon stabilizer/Rx. And sure enough, the problem - whatever it was - is no more. It's gone! I am so relieved.

And so, back to the Lemon stabilizer -- maiden test flight this morning with wind at 15 mph and wind chill low to mid 20's. I launched with gyro turned off, intending to fly a circuit or two, gain some altitude, and then switch on the stabilizer. But the wind was so strong I could barely keep from crashing right there at the launch. In desperation I clicked on the stabilizer when the model was only about 6 feet up. Instantly the wind was not a problem. I could fly the plane almost as if the wind wasn't blowing. (p.s. there's a youtube video, if you want to see)

A little later in the flight I discovered that gyro gains were a bit too high. I used a knob on Tx and eased back. The oscillation / tail wagging disappeared, and I was done tweaking. I had to leave after on pack - too cold.

I went back later that afternoon. The wind had died and temp was low 50's - pleasant. The Delta Ray was so smooth and easy to fly.

I have absolutely no experience with other hardware to compare this experience to - except the original SAFE flight controller from HH. I'd say the Lemon compares reasonably well to that - except no self-leveling and no panic button - which I didn't want anyway.

Also, I have tweaked that model.ini file - added FMODE rates and the sticky throttle, added the Lemon Rx gyro switch and put master gain on a knob and got the screen display the way I like. So now I have two model.ini files for the Delta Ray with brushless motors - one that does the elevon mixing in the Tx for delta wing with no on-board stabilizer, and a simpler model.ini for use when the FC/gyro does the elevon mixing. If anyone's interested.
  • Apphoard
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07 Feb 2016 15:07 - 07 Feb 2016 23:10
Replied by Apphoard on topic i need elevon model config

i need elevon model config

Category: Model Configs

Thanks Mwm, I got it working. Going to give this new gyro a try today, I think. I got the Hobby Eagle A3. Thanks for the help guys.

Update: I am making lots of progress with deviation! Today I took the 4 channel simple template and added dual rates, throttle hold and a virtual channel for my gyro! All I need to do now is grasp how to setup something like Elevon mixing. B)
  • Apphoard
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30 Jan 2016 16:34 - 30 Jan 2016 20:20
Replied by Apphoard on topic i need elevon model config

i need elevon model config

Category: Model Configs

Does anybody know if this Hobby Eagle A3-L Gyro will work with Deviation and this model configuration? It says something in the gyro manual "Never use Delta or V-Tail mixing in your transmitter". Thanks for the help guys!
  • EArHog
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28 Jan 2016 18:05
Replied by EArHog on topic i need elevon model config

i need elevon model config

Category: Model Configs

Update. The Lemon Rx/stabilizer was ridiculously easy to install. It does the elevon mixing, so I switched back to a simple model.ini with no mixing of elevator/aileron. I haven't flown it yet, but holding it in hand and rocking it back and forth indicates that it's going to work very well for smoothing out the buffeting by the wind. So far (haven't flown it yet) I am very pleased with it.
  • EArHog
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25 Jan 2016 03:44 - 26 Jan 2016 17:20
Replied by EArHog on topic i need elevon model config

i need elevon model config

Category: Model Configs

This time of year I don't get too many opportunities to fly my airplane (rain, wind, snow, that sort of thing). But after a couple of flights with it I am quite pleased with the model.ini (attached above) and the guidance that you guys provided. Thank you again.

The Delta Ray has twin motors and fixed stabilizer - no rudder, though I have little use for rudder while I am flying - bank it and yank it, baby. :) That said, it would be incredibly marvelous if I could control/guide the model while it's on the ground - taxi, take-off, etc.

I searched back through my old 7E models.ini's from a few years ago. Apparently the mixing (elevon and differential thrust) were accomplished in the Delta Ray flight controller. So there's nothing useful in my 7E model file that I could cut/paste into my new marvelous model.ini to give me diff. thrust / rudder effect now.

EDIT - I decided to add a Lemon Rx /stabilizer to the Delta Ray (it is a handful in the wind!). I just realized that all the lovely masterful complex mixing in my model.ini (above) won't work with this soon-to-be-installed stabilizer. (like Roseanne said "It's always something")

I have a model.ini file that I used with my 7E a few years ago to fly the Delta Ray when it had the standard stock flight controller/receiver (with on-board mixing). That Tx model file is just simple pitch/roll/yaw basic stuff. So I anticipate that it will work again with this new stabilizer. I don't yet know if differential thrust (in lieu of yaw) is possible with the Lemon Rx/stabilizer. I will put this differential thrust request in abeyance until I can sort out feasibility

Thanks again, gentle people.
  • mwm
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05 Aug 2015 07:26
Replied by mwm on topic Mix two switches (2-way & 3-way) into one 4-way?

Mix two switches (2-way & 3-way) into one 4-way?

Category: Model Requests

Cereal_Killer wrote: Thank you! I read threw the manual and couldn't get it. Assuming it works when I try it (with your permission since you wrote it) I'd like to add this to the manual.

This would actually be more appropriate for a wiki page or posting to the tutorials section. The manual is more a reference on the software, not how to use them to get specific behaviors like a four-way channel output, or elevon mixing, or a sticky throttle hold.

Not that I want to discourage you! I think more documentation would be a great thing, I just think we need to keep a clear distinction between the manual and tutorials. Unfortunately, there's not a clear place to put such other things. Maybe if someone stepped up to organize the wiki....
  • mwm
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06 May 2015 04:48
Replied by mwm on topic Need an elevon mizer for a V911

Need an elevon mizer for a V911

Category: Model Requests

Looks right to me. That going to the corners leaves the other side stable just means that you're mixing the two controls in in equal amounts. I have no idea whether or not that's the right thing to do.

Assuming you're using two mixers with an add mux on the second one, the only reason I can think of for the middle rate to jump is that you're not really at zero when the sticks are centered. Possibly one of the four mixes is paying attention to trim and the others aren't, and the trim isn't zero? One of the cyclics needs calibration? Hard to say.

Oh! Seeing the brick called to mind that the V911 has 3-axis stabilization to such an extent that it's been called "over-stabilized". Possibly that's causing problems? Similarly, I have to wonder how that's going to affect your flight characteristics once you have the thing in the air.
  • Cereal_Killer
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05 May 2015 13:02
Replied by Cereal_Killer on topic Need an elevon mizer for a V911

Need an elevon mizer for a V911

Category: Model Requests

mwm wrote: Rather than trying to sort this out, I'll just point you to vlad_vy's elevon template . If you've already found it and that didn't help, my apologies.

Thanks for the link, I had read it before but when I was looking for it again I was searching for "MWM's elevon mixing guide" and couldn't find it lol, guess that's why.

I may have the control directions backwards, in which case I could just reverse the channel right? Just to verify, if I want the model to bank / turn right I would need the right side control surface up / left control surface down | when I want it to bank / turn left I would need the left control surface up / right control surface down? Do I have that correct (this is my first plane that has control surfaces on the wings at all, all my other planes are 3 channel with throttle / single tail elevator / rudder only)
So what would happen is
Stick movement : control surface movement
ELE up-> elevator and aileron channels both go up.
ELE down -> elevator and aileron channels both go down.
AIL right -> AIL channel goes up, ELE channel goes down.
AIL left -> ELE channels goes up, AIL channels goes down

In this instance, once setup, what would happen if I were to apply BOTH right AIL and up ELE at the same time, what would that translate to as far as the control surfaces?
  • ronnie918644
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20 Feb 2015 04:58
Replied by ronnie918644 on topic Elevon mixing

Elevon mixing

Category: Model Configs

Thankyou very much I ll search for your tutorials and try to learn what I need. I really appreciate your time and fast response
  • mwm
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20 Feb 2015 04:12
Replied by mwm on topic Elevon mixing

Elevon mixing

Category: Model Configs

Well, the easiest thing to do would be to search the forums for "elevon", as there are a number of model files out there already that you can crib from.

If you want to learn how to do it yourself, then you might start with my tutorial on writing model configs . That will show you the basics of creating a model config from scratch. It covers the advanced mixer GUI, but you're going to have to use that anyway. The deviationTx standard mixer GUI is pretty wimpy, because you can always used the advanced GUI. That gives you the ability to do nearly anything, but you have to know what the channels need to output.

My quick stab at elevon mixing (I don't fly much fixed wings, so this cold be completely off): Start with one of the channels that is going to one of your elevon servos. Set the type to complex and Mixers to 2. On the first mixer, set the Src to ELE, the Curve to 1-1, and leave everything else alone. On the second mixer, set the Src to AIL, the mux to add, the Curve to 1-1, and again leave everything else alone.

Now plug everything in and make sure it's working properly for that one channel. You may need to reverse something: either the channel if everything is backwards, or the Src in the mixer if only one control is backwards. Details on who to do that in the tutorial . You probably want to adjust the Scale on the two mixes, but I have no idea to what values. You can experiment with those here. Or you might be able to crib those from your devention setup, but they'll need translating. If you tell me what they are, I can do that for you.

Ok, step two: copy the mix you created above to the channel that outputs to the servo on the other elevon. Now edit the second mixer - the one with aileron input - and invert the Src channel. Or set it to not inverted if it was inverted before. That will make the aileron move that surface in the opposite direction.
  • sbstnp
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20 Feb 2015 04:03
Replied by sbstnp on topic Elevon mixing

Elevon mixing

Category: Model Configs

This question was asked and answered many many times on the forums. Please use search you'll even find a template.

Anyway, look at this:

  • ronnie918644
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20 Feb 2015 01:43
Elevon mixing was created by ronnie918644

Elevon mixing

Category: Model Configs

:( Can someone tell me the steps to create elevon mix. I am trying to set tx to a Flite Test F22 foamboard plane. I just changed to Deviation and I dont understand how to do it. I had it working fine with the original Devention setup. Help would greatly be appreciated. I am a newbee at Deviation. Thanks.
  • Jefte
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11 Feb 2014 04:25
DSM2 Elevon Model Needed was created by Jefte

DSM2 Elevon Model Needed

Category: Model Configs

Coming from er9x I'm just not grasping this mixing UI. Can someone provide an elevon model for dsm2?

For the life of me I can't figure out how to remap channel order (AETR to TAER) on my 7e. Thanks.
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