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- Removing shield and diode 7E for better reach
Removing shield and diode 7E for better reach
- aMax
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I missed something like this since long. The last step to 150 mW seems to provide you not only little more power
but also more interference.
Devo7e, TaranisQ X7, R9M , 4in1 MM, Futaba FC18plusV3.2 & DFT/FLD-02
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- mwm
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Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.
My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.
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- RumbleBeeAL
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aMax wrote: Well done.
I missed something like this since long. The last step to 150 mW seems to provide you not only little more power
but also more interference.
mwm wrote: 150mW has generally been disrecommended for a while now. As noted, it doesn't provide a lot of extra output power, but consumes a lot more power. It's really for scratching the last little bit out of the range.
Thank you both and I agree with you. It was late and the test bed setup was very simple as the Laptop was in my lap and the Unit Under Test was within reach (~24" between the two) so that I could easily make adjustments to output power an monitor the screens.
The data does in fact that with each adjustment in power level, the RX Spectrum Analyzer noticed increased power respectively. I suppose with any amplifier/gain adjustment, noise will be playing part of the equation. It all boild down to the quality of components.
I suspect this would be less noticeable in testing at greater distances between the TX and RX which I plan to do in a similar fashion.
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- saidem
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I wonder if we can replace this module into a Devo 7E, has no shield. I saw in discussions he always had to put again to avoid interference. What do you think?
Many thanks.
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- jejeg
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- saidem
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- victzh
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- bombarie
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I also installed an a7105 and nrf24l01 module into this Devo 7e and they both work just fine! However, my DSM2 receiver isn't binding anymore.
Tips or ideas are hugely appreciated!
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- RumbleBeeAL
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bombarie wrote: AARGH, I've been stupid and accidentally desoldered another SMD component next to the diode I *should* have removed. I'd hugely appreciate any insights into which component this might be (the component's gone.. I unfortunately lost it). It looks to be another diode, but I'm not sure. AARGH, I've done tons of soldering in the past but never this small, I'm embarrassed that this has happened :-/
I also installed an a7105 and nrf24l01 module into this Devo 7e and they both work just fine! However, my DSM2 receiver isn't binding anymore.
Tips or ideas are hugely appreciated!
How about removing the right one and reinstalling that component on the pads where you accidentally removed it from - if that's still an option.
Note, this is not a diode, it appears to be a 10k Ohm resistor based on measurements taken on the one I pulled off measured, then replaced and solder-bridged across form one pad to the other. This way I was able to save the component if I needed to revert back for some unknown reason. Based on field testing, I'll likely leave it as is and the power output is increased by this mod.
As another option, you could purchase the replacement module and replace this board for a sound solution.
I hope this helps.
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- bombarie
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RumbleBeeAL wrote: How about removing the right one and reinstalling that component on the pads where you accidentally removed it from - if that's still an option.
Sadly it isn't. I previously had already removed the component that the normal walk-through would have you remove but didn't want to post that picture since it's much messier.
Do you mean that the component I pointed out in my picture is a 10kohm resistor or that the diode that this topic mentions in the first place is (also) a 10kohm resistor?RumbleBeeAL wrote: Note, this is not a diode, it appears to be a 10k Ohm resistor based on measurements taken on the one I pulled off measured, then replaced and solder-bridged across form one pad to the other. This way I was able to save the component if I needed to revert back for some unknown reason. Based on field testing, I'll likely leave it as is and the power output is increased by this mod.
It has so far, thank you!RumbleBeeAL wrote: I hope this helps.
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- RumbleBeeAL
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Yes, my comment about the correct location part does indeed have properties of a resistor, not a diode. But there quite possibly could have been an ECO that changed it from a slide to a resistor over the years - something that Walkera would not necessarily feel the need to share with us.
If you were close by, I'd say I'd be happy to put a component on the board for you. However, shipping it both ways would prohibit this. Your best bet may be to purchase the replacement module and simply replace it if you don't have any components you can use at this point.
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- bombarie
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Well actually, if I have the replacement module coming in anyway I'm going to sacrifice the current module to science and just see what I can get away with. In any event, thanks for helping me out.
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- RumbleBeeAL
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If you end up setting the original TX daughter board aside, consider sending it to me with shield for rework. After rework, I'd set aside for someone else that runs into a similar issue and "pay it forward" so to speak. I'm sure someone would be able to utilize it down the road.
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- bombarie
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- RumbleBeeAL
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- Peaceliker
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I made the range mod, but with my mcpx i have only some meter range. With orange receiver its was better, but not tested exactly jet.
Mut if i killed the 7e tx modul what can i do? I cant find devo 8s module on net now.

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- HappyHarry
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- dc59
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RumbleBeeAL wrote: Note, I did not test before performing the hardware mod by bypassing the 10k Ohm resistor (more commonly being referred to as diode) followed by editing the hardware.ini file within the root folder. However, I plan to measure a stock Devo 7E before mods are performed under similar test conditions.
I also plan to perform similar testing at distance in open field as time permits.
Looking forward to your test result after mods.

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- Peaceliker
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- HappyHarry
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- Removing shield and diode 7E for better reach
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- Removing shield and diode 7E for better reach