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Jumper T8SG - First TX stock running on Deviation
- Sero
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To be found here
4-in-1 module installed, size like the good old Devo 7E, way better antenna, and looks good

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- magic_marty
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They even corrected our documentation (attached), which now contains the following statement in the overview section:
"Deviation is a replacement firmware for the JUMPER transmitters."

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- vlad_vy
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"This radio will be the next hot cake of BG (Jumper is a OEM brand of BG)"
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- Whatsinaname
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Its got the upgraded stm chip so users don't need to do the mod themselves.
Its got the 4in1 module already installed and deviation so it should theoretically work out of the box.
Its got extra switches standard unlike the devo7e.
It's still got the form factor of the 7e which is my biggest "like".
For users who want a "modded 7e" without doing the work this is a solution.
There is still no speaker option.
Appears to still use the same lcd as the devo7e.
Learning curve of deviation still exists.
Does the module have PA?
All in all it might be a reason to bring a resurgence to deviation especially on the 7e front as now there is a ready made solution to take advantage of the 256 build for the 7e.
That being said, personally I enjoy my taranis qx7. It had to grow on me but even though it is bigger than my 7e it does have more power.
I will admit that deviation prepared me for using the opentx gui.
The scroll wheel is better than constant button pushes. After adding the irx 4in1 module to my taranis it practically replaced my 7e.
The 7e does something better than my taranis and that is hooking up to flight sims with usbhid. It just works. The taranis requires a bit more extra steps.
After all is said and done it comes down to the individual willing to purchase the tx. Should make for an interesting development all around. If it could fit some HAL gimbals I would jump on it.
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- Moeder
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The true question, and the one I really have doubts about, is build quality. The really good haptics and build quality of the devo line is for me what makes it stand up against cheap OpenTX transmitters which have been available for some years now. Maybe somebody could get in contact with them and ask for some free "developer transmitters"...
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It gives some assurance that there will be compatible transmitters even if the DEVO line fades out...
However without some closer collaboration there will not be development, since this one has simply copied the ultimate 7E's hardware...
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- Moeder
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- Sero
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BTW, I hope they make a version like the 6s as well, I love the bigger touchscreen in color on those.
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- Fernandez
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I hope even more custom deviation TX will appear.
Although some credits to deviation, mention it in description and send some free Tx to some of the development gurus here at the forum, would be a nice gesture for all the work done?
Maybe the developers could also be interactive on the forum here and have community involved?
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- M8A4X
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- M8A4X
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The manual can be found on the BG product-details page, end of page.
By the way, aren't usually Futaba TXs called "T18FG..." or something?

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- hexfet
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- vlad_vy
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- Whatsinaname
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FDR wrote: Well, not a mature product: you can reach the USB connector only with the case opened...
I haven't seen a pic of the back of the case but I would hope the usb connector is accessible without disassembly as deviation makes hooking up to flight sims so easy it would seem logical to have usb access. Time will tell.
vlad_vy wrote: I see only one drawback - sticks looks like a cheap hobby sticks. I think Devo sticks are way better.
Agreed, this is why I said if some hall sensor gimbals could fit I would jump on it just to try it. Then again, it could be possible to swap the gimbals for the devo gimbals.
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- vlad_vy
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- Whatsinaname
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- vlad_vy
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- Jumper T8SG - First TX stock running on Deviation